
ABC updates iview for phone and tablets

New features include improved search, better browsing and a personalised "Watchlist."

2014-03-06_1734ABC TV has given iview an upgrade for phones and tablets, with new and improved features.

The new design gives instant access to popular programs and latest episodes from the previous night’s broadcast, across all ABC channels, recommendations, additional episodes and related shows.

Users can plan their own schedule by saving favourite programs to a new ‘Watchlist’ feature.

The much-loved catch-up service is now used by more than a million Australians each month.

“ABC iview has always been a platform of innovation and we continually look at ways to enhance the service so Australian audiences need never miss a moment of their favourite shows,” says ABC Director of Television, Richard Finlayson.

“The new iview will also support an even broader catalogue of shows created especially for online audiences. Watch out for the amazing Fresh Blood and Wastelander Panda launching this year.”

Parents will soon be able to set iview to display only programs suitable for children.

Arul Baskaran, ABC Head of Online and Multiplatform, added, “With this update we’re making iview even easier to use. With improved search, better browsing and a personalised Watchlist, the new iview really showcases ABC TV’s great content.”

4 Responses

  1. Just as long as they’re not shutting out those of us who have older tablets, e.g. iPad 1, IOS 5-highest, whatever it is. So far I can watch the ABC and SBS with no problems. 7 is still okay, but has a nasty habit of cutting out about 10 minutes before the end of a program and shutting out a re-boot for quite some time. TEN and 9, I can’t get at all, I can download their apps but that’s as far as it goes. TEN has had a mountain of complaints about their service, but I don’t know what it’s like now.

    It’s a bloody lot of money to have to buy a new iPad, just because Apple says I must ‘cos “yours is too old”. A whopping big 4 years.

  2. Well done ABC cough,cough never thought I ever say that but it’s deserved hey Foxtel how can the ABC get it working on most Android devices yet your NoGO is exactly that Nogo!!!

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