Gallery: Gallipoli
Nine has released its first photos of its Gallipoli miniseries, currently filming near Melbourne.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under News, Top Stories
Nine has released its first photos of its Gallipoli miniseries, which will air next year marking the 100th anniversary of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.
The drama began filming at various locations around Melbourne in March, building trenches near Werribee, and will shoot until late June.
Directed by Glendyn Ivin (Beaconsfield, Puberty Blues), with scripts by Christopher Lee the cast includes Kodi Smit-McPhee, Lincoln Lewis, Tom Budge, Matt Nable, Jeremy Lindsay Taylor, Lachie Hulme, Ashleigh Cummings and Anthony Hayes.
In the early hours of April 25, 1915, ANZAC troops disembark on the Gallipoli peninsula in the mini-series Gallipoli.
Sergeant Harry Perceval (Matt Nable) prepares to leap from the boat and lead his men ashore as Private Bevan Johnson (Harry Greenwood, left) looks on in the mini-series Gallipoli.
Sergeant Harry Perceval (Matt Nable) returns to the hastily erected headquarters on Anzac Beach bearing a message about progress uphill on the first day of the Gallipoli campaign in the mini-series Gallipoli.
Private Bevan Johnson (Harry Greenwood, in background), Private Cliff Sutton (Tom Budge, obscured) and Private Tolly Johnson (Kodi Smit-McPhee, foreground) on the front line at Quinn’s Post in the mini-series Gallipoli.
Pictures: Ben King
- Tagged with Beaconsfield, Gallipoli, Puberty Blues
5 Responses
Looking forward to it.
I thought the promo was in bad taste. It wont be aired for a whole year but they made sure to use Anzac day to cross promo a miniseries.
Also if they start too early people are going to be sick of it by the time it finally airs. Look what they did with the Schapelle ads.
Today, I have seen this video clip of the sneak peek of Gallipoli and noticed that it was amazing. The music Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Rey caught my attention of this documentary drama miniseries.
just saw the promo on nine 8.30 after TBBT, i was impressed, the choice of song made it quite moving & good timing for Anzac day. I just hope they don’t flood us with the promo for months & put people off.
NineMSN has a promo video.au.msn.com/watch/video/first-look-gallipoli/xrrc0uj