
ABC protest: Make cakes, not war.

No chanting, no biffo, as Cakes for ABC are sold outside Malcolm Turnbull's office.

Screen Shot 2014-05-06 at 12.43.04 pm.jpgIt’s proving to be quite the week for biffo and unruly behaviour…

Whether billionaire moguls, Toorak reality ladies or angry students, people have been resorting to all manner of ‘passionate’ means to vent (and we still have Jonah to come).

So with that in mind, here’s a most creative way that Friends of the ABC have made their point about funding issues: by baking some lovely ABC-themed cakes and selling them at a cake stall outside Malcolm Turnbull’s office today.

Glenys Stradijot from Friends of ABC said, “Inspired by the story of a little girl who recently held a cake stall to raise funds for the ABC, ABC Friends is inviting people who value the ABC to express their support by baking a cake.”

Pictures of cakes and baking have been posted on a Facebook page called Australians Baking Cakes for the ABC.

“Through the cake Facebook page we plan to let the Government know of the breadth and depth of community support for the ABC,” said Stradijot.

“The Communications Minister is responsible to ensure the ABC thrives. A cake, along with a message, will be delivered to Minister Turnbull to let him know we are launching the activity outside his office today.”

Here is a collection of some of the Cakes for ABC.

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