
Jeremy Clarkson on “final warning” from BBC

"If I make one more offensive remark, anywhere, at any time, I will be sacked," says Top Gear star.

JereThe axe is hovering above Top Gear‘s Jeremy Clarkson following his apology for a remark that was labelled as racist, despite it never airing in the BBC show.

“I’ve been told by the BBC that if I make one more offensive remark, anywhere, at any time, I will be sacked. And even the angel Gabriel would struggle to survive with that hanging over his head,” Clarkson has said.

“It’s inevitable that one day, someone, somewhere will say that I’ve offended them, and that will be that.”

While the broadcaster is responding to repeated offences by the Top Gear host, it comes after one of his lesser misdemeanours.

Last week Clarkson clarified that in the “Eeny Meeny” rhyme he recited “I did everything in my power to ensure that that word did not get in the programme that was transmitted.”

Axing him from the motoring show would put such a valuable BBC property in jeopardy.

Clarkson is thought to have earned $AU25million for his work on Top Gear last year, including his salary and payments related to the show’s global success.

Source: The Independent

4 Responses

  1. Give me a break!!! If he gets the sack from the show – he won’t loose followers and fans. The show might a little but still. He’ll get onto another show and that’ll become popular. People need to…. well my opinion – Relax! Relax people.

  2. Hell will freeze over before the BBC does anything to harm Top Gear. I went back and rewatched the segment and he clearly substituted ‘Teacher’ instead of the offending word and even in the outtakes (on YouTube) I could not hear it.

    This is such a shit storm over nothing but it makes me wonder who leaked the outtakes as there must be a limited number of people involved in the production.

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