
Gone: Autopsy. Update: State of Affairs

A River Phoenix special is out of the Seven schedule, replaced with double State of Affairs.

2015-02-20_2339Seven has pulled its special on Autopsy: The Last Days of River Phoenix from airing next Thursday night.

Instead it will now air a double episode of State of Affairs from 9pm.

7 Responses

  1. This is what 7 does rather than fast track they delay airing for months and when it doesn’t rate due to the months of delay they burn off in double episodes. Then rinse and repeat.

  2. Not another double episode, Gee whiz don’t the networks learn that people do not like double episodes, especially if they work the next day.
    I am retired but if I PVR a show it is usually easier to find a spare hour to watch something, than two hours.

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