
Re-framing images the latest tactic to hide rival watermarks

Newsroom accused of passing off an image as mobile phone vision in order to push watermarks out of the frame.

2015-02-11_1535The “watermark / Exclusive” battle is underway for the 2015 ratings year, with Seven accusing Nine of getting most creative in the latest strategy to claim stories.

Yesterday Nine News aired a photo of the woman who was shot dead by police after wielding a knife at a Hungry Jacks store in Sydney’s South West.

It has since been reported she had Asperger’s Syndrome and had been threatening to kill herself.

But the photo, which appeared to have been framed via a mobile phone, was -according to Seven- ripped from their vision.

“Nine stole the pic from us and put it in this form so they could they get rid of our watermark,” a Seven spokesperson told TV Tonight.

Nine is understood to have credited Seven during its daytime news coverage but conveniently neglected to do so during its 6pm primetime bulletin.

TEN Eyewitness News also used the same re-framed image, but credited it to Nine.

Lifeline: 13 11 14
Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636
Aspergers Victoria

14 Responses

  1. Who cares where the pics originate? Most of us couldn’t give a stuff. We hardly go to bed at night being excited about who got which pics from where.

    I think 12 year olds are running our networks, they’re all pathetic.

  2. Buzz3, I can assure you that the pics Sky News were putting to air, were actually coming from Seven. Sky & Seven have a long working relationship & Sky have direct lines for news transfer purposes, from Seven’s 52MP facility to their own broadcast centre. I was also watching on the day and can’t recall Sky going with the pics first, as The Morning Show was live on air at the time and the show immediately went with coverage of what was occuring right next door to the Seven Studio. Whatever pics Sky had put to air early on as things were unfolding, would have been switched from within Seven. (Sky didn’t just happen to be in the area with their own cameras at the time it was all unfolding) . The 7 watermarks that went around the world would have been for genuine Seven footage, taken from where no other broadcaster was at the time. Obviously that changed later in the day as…

  3. Well, number 1 – I don’t watch ATN or TCN’s news, I watch NBN-Newcastle for its bulletin for the first half-hour, then SBS from 6.30 to 7.00pn, then break from news, Home & Away on Prime, then 7.30 on ABC, then, on most nights, the TV goes off. But as for watermarks – simple! Ban them outright! And stations – shoot your own bloody footage without using stuff from other stations, and regional stations, start doing your own bulletins! If NBN can do it, you’ve got no excuses – none!

    1. And this is not something new for NBN. They’ve always produced their own 6pm news bulletin, as did most regional stations back in the mid-60s-early 70s. No mindless graffiti, no pointless “live” crosses to nothing, and half the number of ads.
      How could this be “First on 9” when the “Pic:Ch.7” is clear, suggesting that it was taken from a third source anyway?
      Remind me again why, after 40 years, I no longer watch 7 or 9 “news”?

  4. Why, oh, why must both sides continue to plagiarise and watermark, instead of crediting each other’s footage? While they bend over backwards to avoid breaking the rules about sensitivity ethics, the complete opposite seems to apply when it comes to using other people’s footage while watermarking their own because the other does the same.

  5. It’s certainly stupid when the Sydney Siege took place Sky News was broadcasting the pictures first as they were live while channel 7 was showing just some show then they crossed over a few moments later.How do you answer that Channel 7.As your pictures went all around the world with your logo stuck on them.Sky News could easily have made a fuss about that but they didn’t.

  6. Words fail me when I see these disgusting watermarks during the news (I rarely watch the news nowadays as I’m fed-up with the unprofessional and vulgarly sensationalistic direction that the major news programmes have taken in recent years). The general public couldn’t give a s#%@ who had the story “first”. Just do your jobs and report the damn story. Doing as good a job as possible in reporting any given incident should be paramount as opposed to trying to one-up one’s opponent like a petulant schoolyard brat. The use of these watermarks when reporting on the death of a person makes it all the more distasteful, and worse, disrespectful. They are making a complete mockery of the journalism profession, but hey, while there are ratings at stake, who needs facts or journalistic integrity?

  7. It was badly done also it to skinny for a cell phone in portrait mode. How long before they completely blur the promo images so they can’t be used by others before it airs on the main news at 6pm?

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