Seven wins but TEN smiling with Monday comedy
Ratings: 1.71m MKR viewers can't be touched, but TEN will be happy with its Odd Couple debut.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under News
Another cool 1.71m viewers tuned in to My Kitchen Rules as the show eliminated Texan-born Robert and his daughter Lynzey.
But Monday proved to be a good night for TEN, enjoying a rare win over the ABC’s strong line-up. The debut of The Odd Couple (709,000 / 642,000) was strong given recent titles in the same timeslot.
Seven network won with a 33.5% share then Nine 24.7%, TEN 19.1%, ABC 18.3% and SBS 4.4%.
Following My Kitchen Rules for Seven were Seven News (1.13m / 1.1m), Home and Away (953,000), Revenge (682,000), and a win for Million Dollar Minute (617,000). Parenthood was 271,000 / 204,000.
Nine News (1.02m / 994,000) was best for Nine. Next were Big Bang (939,000 / 636,000 / 391,000), A Current Affair (935,000), The Block (836,000) and Hot Seat (587,000). Person of Interest was 188,000 / 119,000.
The Odd Couple premiered well for TEN with 709,000 / 642,000. The Project was 620,000 / 436,000, TEN Eyewitness News was 612,000, Melbourne Comedy Festival Gala was 582,000.
ABC News (878,000) led for ABC then 7:30 (808,000), Australian Story (801,000), Four Corners (682,000), Media Watch (632,000) and Q & A (518,000).
On SBS ONE it was Australia with Simon Reeve (244,000), Richard Hammond’s Miracles of Nature (215,000), SBS World News (136,000). A Vikings replay was just 45,000.
Neighbours topped multichannels at 299,000.
Sunrise: 323,000
Today: 288,000
ABC News Breakfast: 99,000 / 39,000
OzTAM Overnights: Monday 23 March 2015
- Tagged with 7:30, A Current Affair, ABC News, ABC News Breakfast, Australia with Simon Reeve, Australian Story, Four Corners, Home and Away, Hot Seat, Media Watch, Melbourne Comedy Festival Gala, Million Dollar Minute, My Kitchen Rules, Neighbours, Nine News, Parenthood, Person of Interest, Q&A, Revenge, Richard Hammond's Miracles of Nature, SBS World News, Seven News, Sunrise, TEN Eyewitness News, The Big Bang Theory, The Block, The Odd Couple, The Project, Today, Vikings
32 Responses
I just watched Odd Couple on Tenplay…well tried..7 mins in…stalled ..black screen…36 mins later after phone call…3 times refreshed…started again…10 ads….then ads in weird places…mid conversation…
I found the characters OTT….dont think I will go there again.
Decent Monday viewing and ratings!
Watched The Odd Couple and Comedy Gala.
Taped Big Bang and Neighbours.
Little bit late, I was wondering if you knew how Lost Perth Sensational 70s went in Perth on Friday, David?
Odd Couple did well, hopefully it maintains an audience for TEN, I feel bad for them, they just can’t get the numbers, and it’s not necessarily because of the quality of the programmes.
I did not expect The Odd Couple to do that well! Of course the key is how many hang around for next week.
I may be mistaken but I think there were three episodes of Parenthood on last night. Is that a record for 1 hour drama shows? In any case, it’s sad to see this very good show reduced to 200k figures late at night.
Only two on in Hobart, just checked my PVR.
Why is TEN showing eps 3 and 4 next week when that’s all that has aired in the US, ep 5 is not scheduled until April 2… well at least well get it fast tracked less than a week after the US. But it’s cutting things fine if CBS decided to take it off for a week before the 13eps have run.
TEN currently has a double repeat of Modern Family scheduled for Monday April 6th. Hardly a sound strategy for trying to maintain viewership for a new show.
The drop in numbers from the first to the second ep of The Odd Couple is probably indicative of what will happen next week. I noted on the daily ratings page that it skewed older and a lot of them didn’t hang around for the Comedy Festival Gala afterwards. I’m guessing that quite a few of them were fans of the original and were checking it out to see how it compared.
Probably looking at around 550k next week. I suppose Ten will be happy enough if it stays above half a mill altho’ the age profile won’t be especially attractive to advertisers.
yes, i was a fan of the original, and although there were some good moments in this version; i disappointingly found Matthew Perry a one note performance. Irritating and Shrill. I don’t recall Jack Klugman being that obnoxious. Considering he is one of the producers; i’m really surprised. Not sure if i’ll come back to it.
I think you will find the Comedy Gala built on its lead in figure. To average 582k and run until 10:45pm it would have been the #1 show for the majority of its on air duration.
Yes, good point altho’ I wasn’t really commenting specifically on it other than to compare its demographic profile with the preceding show. It (Comedy Gala) did well in the under 50 age demos.
Ten really need to find better ways to advertise their programs. I would have watched The Odd Couple if I had known it was on – but not one commercial, billboard, radio ad or other promotion did I see. Even the printed TV guide (yes I know) just had TBA included in it.
Here in QLD it’s been back to back ads for the new show, not sure about other media but it’s been on TV a lot.
That said TEN would have been wise to encore it later in the week on the main channel or show it again on Ch11 this week.
Maybe you don’t normally watch TEN. It’s been rammed down our throats every ad break.
yes all the best gags were used in the endless promos.
There was a lot of ads and on screen watermark for it. How could you even miss that? They promoted a lot for the show.
Easy, don’t watch Ten and you would never have known it was on. I certainly didn’t.
There were Ads for it in almost every single ad break.
David, you have Seven Network won then Seven again.
Just noticed that Seven is down as coming both 1st and 2nd overall last night followed by Ten.
Have to say the ads for The Odd Couple didn’t really grab me. May have to give it a try after reading the review and other comments.
Thanks for the review David, I watched it and even though I do not like canned laughter it was not too bad, I will watch again.
David have you heard MKR is plotting to go with a finale against the Logies?.. smart move i would say, but not sure they would actually go through with it.. surely not?
MKR will win comfortably.
The Logies are a joke, and part of it was beaten by Modern Family Australia last year.
Totally agree. Just look at the gold logie nominations.
In the second episode of The Odd Couple the laugh track was used better. Not convinced that basing the show around Perry is a good idea, he is too uptight to play a slob and shouts his lines over the expected laugh track. Bunk and Foley playing light relief weren’t great either. Lennon was good.
In interview Matthew said people think he’s like Chandler in Friends or Felix but admitted being more like Oscar, probably not as much as a slob but that’s what he said.
I’m glad the show did well, just wish they had done one ep and TEN filled the 2nd half with something else.
Love Matthew Perry so that’s why I watched the odd couple… wasn’t too bad….
It does get better as the show goes on and the ratings are pretty good, but CBS has only aired 4 eps so far of the 13 episode season.
At the first hint of canned laughter I’m outta there … and The Odd Couple was no different. So I didn’t even give it a chance.
I still don’t understand why The Block is at 7.30? Surely Nine would be better served by TBBT at 7.30, The Block at 8 receiving the rub off a new ep of TBBT then having the repeats of TBBT on at 9.30 like they are now?
I thought The Odd Couple was decent for a network comedy. I wouldn’t have watched except for David’s review. I will watch again.