
First 2 episodes of Married at First Sight on 9jumpin

The first two episodes of Married at First Sight are now streaming for the first 20,000 viewers.


The first two episodes of Nine’s Married at First Sight are now available on 9jumpin for the first 20,000 viewers ahead of the broadcast premiere on Monday.

This ground-breaking show is an extreme social experiment where four couples meet for the very first time on their wedding day. Three top relationship experts are controlling this radical experiment involving eight Aussie singles, using a mix of neuroscience and psychology to try to create four perfect matches.

Married at First Sight follows the couples as they marry, honeymoon, meet the in-laws and set up home, all the while getting to know each other to see if the three matchmakers got it right.

At a time when the institution of marriage itself is under scrutiny, this show will definitely open up a further dialogue. Be part of the conversation by checking it out first at www.9jumpin.com.au/marriedatfirstsight.

And if you watch it, be sure to let us know what you think…?

One Response

  1. They really glossed over the reasons for matching up specific couples. It required more detail than a few sentences for each. Also the fact they weren’t legally married required more than one sentence. Could make a few specific comments but that would give away spoilers. Not sure if I’ll watch another episode.

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