★★★★★ 0/5
Vicious: trailer
ITV has released a trailer for season two starring Ian McKellan and Derek Jacobi.
- Published by David Knox
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ITV recently released a trailer for season two of Vicious starring Ian McKellan and Derek Jacobi.
In the show’s six episode second season the loving (and bickering) couple of over 50 years soon discover it’s all change amongst their close circle of friends. Violet (Frances de la Tour) has married a mystery man who now seems to have gone AWOL. Ash (Iwan Rheon) is all loved up with new girlfriend Jess (Georgia King). And ditzy Penelope (Marcia Warren) and no nonsense Mason (Philip Voss) continue to be baffled by everyone around them.
Vicious airs in Australia on Seven but no return date as yet.
Source: TV Wise
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