
‘MasterChef rigged!’ Fan fury as Georgia secures place in grand final

Angry fans accuse MasterChef of having favoured Georgia to win all season.


MasterChef fans were up in arms last night after Georgia secured a place in the Grand Final after a disastrous service in the first part of TEN’s cook-off.

Jessica was eliminated despite serving up excellent food on schedule in a two course dinner for 20 guests.

It was a high-pressure challenge as they cooked all the dishes -completely solo- with Gary telling the three they served up the best dishes they had ever tasted in the MasterChef kitchen.

But Georgia’s complicated first course put her woefully behind her competitors.

Despite the delays, Matt Preston told her “Deliciousness wins out every time,” culling Jessica from the final for her grapefruit, white chocolate and popcorn dessert.

But many viewers were in disagreement, taking to social media to accuse the show of favouritism.






Billie and Georgia will now face off in tonight’s MasterChef Australia finale.

Billie is now the one to beat.

63 Responses

  1. Come on, grow up people, the judges don’t edit the show. Have you noticed how animated Georgia is.. her reactions are always priceless, no wonder the producers and editors use her grabs. As far as last night is concerned, the episode was clearly cut for maximum drama. How boring would it be if it was clearly obvious who was going to win every time?

    1. “Have you noticed how animated Georgia is.. her reactions are always priceless”

      I think you mean “slightly concerned”. Which has been our nickname for her most of the series – as in “Uh-oh! They’ve got 30 minutes, and Slightly Concerned has decided to cook a lamb roast…”

  2. Why wasn’t blind tasting introduced at this critical juncture?
    The judges knew who cooked what but …………..alas……it all seemed to favour one contestant who has been kept in the limelight for all the wrong reasons.
    Hope Billie wins hands down!

    1. I think blind tasting would’ve been a good idea. The judges probably know the contestants cooking so well now that they might have been able to correctly pick the contestants dishes anyway.

  3. This show is just a load of rubbish anyway so who cares. Always running overtime. I just don’t get why people even watch this garbage,

  4. Lol at the fans having big soke about Georgia, if anone has had loads of airtime , its is the following : sara , Jessica and Ashley, they have been worst and rose of course, i was so happy that Georgia made it to grand final.

  5. Quite amusing to see the (predictable) faux outrage over this. Hands up how many of those bleating over the result actually tasted the food in question? Yes, I thought so!

    It was clearly stated that taste was going to be the deciding factor. Quite simply the judges felt that Georgia’s dishes were superior in this critical, determining factor. Yes, Georgia took longer to get her dishes out but this was not a time challenge.

    1. At the start of the episode they said there was 4 hours to do prep and than service was to follow and viewers were informed at regular intervals how much time had passed during prep. So to say it wasn’t a time challenge isn’t entirely correct. Someone I watched the episode with who hadn’t watched Masterchef this season commented when Georgia took too long to serve that when out to eat and food took to long to serve doesn’t matter how good it was, having to wait too long was a negative and made the meal less enjoyable.

      1. You said it yourself … the 4 hours was for prep. There was no set time for service (as was the case in some of the earlier team challenges). And as has been stated a number of times the determining factor was the taste of the dishes, not the time it took to get them to the judges.

        1. Matt Preston saw it as a major negative against in his comments that Georgia was behind Jessica and Billie in plating her food. We can agree to disagree on whether there was a time limit or not but at the end of the day the judges raised it as a negative that she took to long. When you think about it, did the fact she took too long improve the taste of the dishes which was the deciding factor in her making it though?

      2. If it was a time challenge, then during service the clock would have counted ‘down’ – not up. Counts up, then a set time is not the challenge. I would rather wait 15 minutes for delicious food than get something not delicious served right away

        But what do I know? I didnt taste the food

      1. They will be trotted out on every single talking head show ten has – I’d prefer a little more pizazz from the winner and these two simply don’t cut it.

  6. I was watching Georgia fall apart last night and was wondering what they would do to let her win and then they did it. What a disappointment, it seems they’re back to their old tricks.

  7. It’s been the Georgia show pretty much since week 1. Georgia gets the most screen time and the most help from the judges.

    She served up a crap chicken soup with a raw egg in it – and that wasn’t enough to put her through to elimination.

    Then there was the Marco team challenge where Marco emphasised teamwork and prompt service – yet Georgia’s team didn’t work as a team and were late serving all their courses. And Georgia served deserts without sorbet on them and Marco noticed that and told her to stop serving and put the sorbet on the plates the judges got. And yes the judges didn’t take into account the lateness, the cold lamb, the rubbery prawns, the customers who didn’t get sorbet…and rated Georgia’s dish the best and saved her and her ‘team’ from elimination.

    No matter how much the Georgia fans say it – the judges and producers have shown an appalling bias…

    1. Those episodes were two sundays episodes you mentioned where I was perplexed by the outcome. I still can’t understand how a person can enter an invention test, cook a basic soup, make no real attempt at invention, and no putting a raw egg in a soup is not invention, and escape the bottom three. I thought fulfilling the brief of the challenge is pretty important. That episode said to the viewer I can cook whatever I want, not follow the rules of the challenge and I will escape the bottom 3.

  8. I’m going to make a prediction – all those people saying that they won’t be watching the next ep/season (including some TVT commenters, you know who you are) will be watching. They won’t be able to help themselves.

      1. Because you’ve given the twitter commentary some legitimacy by posting about it. David, of all people – unlike the twitterverse – you would know reality shows edit in a way that does focus on characters with the most ‘drama’, and also those they know all be sticking around. It doesn’t mean a show is rigged or that certain contestants are given unfair advantages.

        I personally hope Billie wins, but spare a thought for Georgie – she doesn’t deserve this barrage of criticism, as the editing (as well as any decisions of the judges) has nothing to do with her.

        1. Judging by the number of comments here it seems not just confined to Twitter. Viewers are responding to the storytelling and editing – it is after all, all they have to go on. I’m comfy the article reflects a sizeable audience view.

  9. What rubbish. Georgia did so much work last night, she deserved her place in the finale. The judges said Jessica’s dessert tasted of gelatine, and the flavours didn’t go together, simple as that.

    Georgia had 13 elements on her main and 7 on her dessert, Jessica had 4 on her main, but the dessert did look impressive.

    1. Equally, other challenges have been lost due to teams being slow/late with service despite having better dishes. It’s not really a challenge if the judges then come out and say their vote ignored the challenge element…

      1. Was there a time limit for this service challenge though? I didn’t hear a time limit mentioned at the start. Of course, if Georgia was 6 hours late serving her main, and still got through, something was wrong, but no-one will ever know.

        In the end, I still would have preferred Georgia’s main and dessert over Jessica’s, but Billie’s was the stand out for me for both courses.

        1. You mean other than the time they were told they had until customers arrived & orders had to go out?

          No, but then that’s been the case for other service challenges too.

  10. He we go again! When people dont like the final contestants its rigged. And if Billy wins, which i think she will, then why did they favor and rig it for georgia to be in the finale? The judges stated that this challenge was all about deliciousness at the start, and judged it accordingly. Cant wait for tonight finale, that heston dessert looks awesome! For me personally and for 12 friends who gather around to watch….go georgia!.

    1. But was it a level playing field when Georgia had more time to complete her dishes?

      I wonder how much extra time she actually had? Its hard to tell from the way the episode was edited but it didn’t look like a minor amount.

      1. This is the stupid comment I dont understand – how did she get more time? They all had 4 hours to prepare, after which they had to start serving. They had no restriction on serving time, but after 4 hours they were told the first orders come in and to start. Georgia wasnt ready after 4 hours, the other girls were. Shannon was riding Georgia hard to get her dishes out, which she did. She finished later than the others, but their service period had no time – so I dont get all the whinging? Unless its just the typical Tall Poppy syndrome

        1. Did you listen to Matt Preston in his final comments tell Georgia that a major negative for her was that Jessica and Billie had finished plating up and she was still plating. The judges saw her being behind as a major cross against her but if I comment on that its seen as stupid? As I’ve previously said I don’t care who wins and have nothing against Georgia or anyone else. That doesn’t mean I’m not going to question things and funnily enough the judges saw her being behind and needing extra time compared to the other contestants a negative.

  11. If Masterchef is one of those shows who film two results, I think it would be in Ten’s interest to play the one in which Billie wins.

    Why? Because if Georgia wins tonight, next year’s Masterchef ratings will go down hard. Really hard.
    Ten would need to get other celebrity chefs to join in. Gordon Ramsey perhaps?
    With the proposed changes to classification it would not be a problem having Ramsey there. Also they need to stop rigging results.

  12. Go Billie!!
    Is the finale delayed in filming compared to the rest of the season? I think I remember MCA brings contestants back for the finale? Such that I’m thinking the judges may pick up on the publics view and ‘change’ their minds??

    1. The majority of the finale (including Heston Blumenthal’s pressure test) was filmed on the week of Anzac Day this year, and the Herald Sun reported Matt, Gary, George, Shannon and Heston celebrated the end of the filming by going to an A-League game on April 26. The winner announcement might or might not have been recorded at the same time, guess we will find out tonight.

  13. My opinion is that people forget that all these reality shows are edited to favour a contestant and cause controversy. Channel 7 do it all the time with Rest Rules!. I would like to know if Georgia actually finished her cooking and prep in the allotted time or not? She was running so far behind the other two but at one stage still had time to stop and have a tearful chat with the cameraman and still wins. The look on Jessicas’ face said it all!

  14. I fear 2+ million people will be watching tonight and at least 90% of them will be bitterly disappointed with the outcome. I like Georgia but Billie is the best!

  15. Approached last nights episode assuming Georgia was automatically through and watched to see who got the other place. I have nothing against Georgia but I tended to switch off whenever she appeared in the episode because it was more likely than not she would be in the final. What saved the episode was seeing Billie perform so well.

  16. Georgia could put up a Vegemite sandwich 3 hrs late & she will still have the judges in raptures. Billie doesn’t stand a chance unfortunately.

  17. Der..been like that since S1 all about personality nottalent reason we gave up on it two seasons ago but what do you expect from two ordinary chefs judging

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