
Doctor Who back September 20

The date is locked down but ABC is yet to confirm the time. Plus, a global fan contest.


ABC has confirmed the next season of Doctor Who will screen from Sunday September 20th, but it is yet to advise the time.

It isn’t clear if it will revisit it’s early morning simulcast / primetime replay as it did for the last season. Those numbers worked well for ABC so hopefully it will repeat the process.

Meanwhile the UK series has also announced a contest, which is open to global entries, which asks fans to create a digital story of how the Doctor comes face to face with the Daleks.

You can create anything using video, animation and images, even submit original digital artwork and there are digital assets on offer to help you.

The winner will be celebrated on the official Doctor Who website and receive a follow from the official BBC Doctor Who twitter feed.

You can enter here 

2 Responses

  1. I don’t see ABC not doing like last season, there are just too many fans who will go else where rather than wait even just a few hours until Sunday night. Last year I recorded the morning airing, watched it over breakfast (so like Sheldon) and often re-watched it in the evening.

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