
Janet King lifts ABC drama slot, MasterChef tops demos.

Ratings: AFL proves to be a disruptor, but brings it home for Seven.

AFL was a disruptor to schedules last night, but it played into the hands of Seven aiding a sizeable winning margin, whilst effectively denying Nine its AFL Footy Show (which aired the night before).

MasterChef led in entertainment shows, if down on last Thursday. Once again it topped the demos. RBT screened in 5 cities for Nine but couldn’t match the audience.

Janet King had a decent start at ABC, at 503,000 it was their best performer outside News, and lifted on last week’s 355,000 in the same slot.

Nine and Seven both had staggered schedules, with wins by Nine News and ACA.

Seven network won Thursday with 30.6% then Nine 24.7%, TEN 21.9%, ABC 16.3% and SBS 6.5%.

Seven News drew 957,000 / 874,000 (in 4 cities) for Seven then The Chase (596,000 / 394,000), Seven’s AFL (569,000), Home and Away (384,000 in 3 cities), and Highway Patrol (262,000 / 259,000 in 3 cities).

Nine News was #1 for Nine with 980,000 / 939,000, then A Current Affair (801,000), RBT (532,000), Hot Seat (504,000 / 273,000). NRL Footy Show was 190,000 in 2 cities. The Last Resort was 157,000 in 3 cities.

MasterChef Australia (879,000) led for TEN then The Project (551,000 / 374,000), TEN Eyewitness News (493,000), Law and Order: SVU (442,000 / 325,000)and Family Feud (356,000).

ABC News (680,000), Janet King (503,000), The Checkout (489,000), 7:30 (477,000) and Joanna Lumley’s Japan (242,000) comprised ABC’s night.

On SBS it was Great British Railway Journeys (250,000), Michael Mosley: Should I Eat Meat? (216,000), SBS World News (131,000) and Medici: Masters of Florence (88,000).

Shaun the Sheep bleat the competition on multichannels with 238,000.

OzTAM Overnights: Thursday 25 May 2017

9 Responses

  1. I like her acting, but the scriptwriting and how they are making her character appear does not fill me with excitement for the next episode, however I will watch it again on Saturday night to see if I missed anything.

  2. Out of any of the reality shows Masterchef must be considered one of the best. Considering its lead in they do extremely well. Just imagine if they had the lead in from Nines news/ACA for example. Tens big let down in ratings is that 6 to 7.30pm time slot. This is where 7 & 9 excel.

  3. Ugh, could they have made the Janet King character any more sanctimonious? There was also way too much padding when they should have been establishing the main story. I lasted half an hour.

    Those ratings might be up on last week but aren’t good. They are down 20% on the overnights for the first ep of S2. I think this will prob drop below what Newton’s Law was getting, nearer 400k.

    1. Agree! Her character is annoyingly sanctimonious, self-righteous and humourless.
      Really very cold and not very likeable so makes it hard to connect with her.
      Have always found it hard to fully engage with this show but have persevered because it features some great local actors.

      Don’t think I’m

      1. Really? I disagree. While she is tough she also has that caring side you don’t see it much, but it’s there. Each to there own I suppose but don’t stop watching, it will only brings own the numbers which may lead to this being the final season (hope not cost love this show).

      1. What have they ruined? Janet has always had a bit of a cold tough nature. That has certainly not changed or been ruined. If you see her scenes with Bianca and her kids especially you can see that another caring softer side.

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