
Four Corners: Nov 20

The final episode of Four Corners for the year unlocks the secrets that brought down a High Court judge.

The final episode of Four Corners for the year is “The Murphy Scandal, reported by Debbie Whitmont, unlocking the secrets that brought down a High Court judge.

“Lionel Murphy was a figure of enormous controversy. He was a visionary (but) Lionel played fast and loose.” Political commentator

Justice Lionel Murphy was one of the most senior political and legal figures in Australia. He was also at the centre of one of the most extraordinary scandals in our nation’s history.

“He sat at the apex of the Australian system of government, at the apex of the Australian constitution. He sat on the High Court.” Political reporter

During the 1980s, he was engulfed in a wave of allegations, from claims he was caught on tape during an illegal police bugging operation ending with criminal charges of perverting the course of justice and an inquiry into whether he should be removed from the High Court.

Australia had never seen a scandal like it and it electrified the nation.

“He loved the exercise of power. He thrived on the exercise of power, but the exercise of power always involves unsavoury activity to a certain extent or other.” Political commentator

Now this sensational chapter in Australia’s history has been reopened with the release of documents kept secret for 30 years.

“These papers open a Pandora’s Box on the sleazy and murky world of Australian politics 30 and 40 years ago. They’ve been under lock and key all that period of time.” Political reporter

On Monday, Four Corners takes you into the heart of this story with powerful first hand accounts from many of the key players in this astonishing saga. Some are speaking publicly for the first time in 30 years.

“He then said to me, ‘And now, what about my little mate?’ Just like that.” Former chief magistrate

Some reveal material that has never been seen before.

“All the pages of it were stapled up with old bits of paper, coloured paper, so I tore off lots of these paper and I started reading.” Judge’s wife

Many paid a high price for their involvement.

“Life was not easy at the time, and in restaurants he was called ‘a dog’ and people shouted at him.” Judge’s wife

The scandal bitterly divided those who knew Murphy.

“People either loved him or hated him and maybe both reactions were exaggerated.” Academic

Today, the Murphy allegations are provoking as much passion and controversy as they did three decades ago.

“I wish that the stuff was not out. I wish that none of it had ever happened. I wish that this programme wasn’t being prepared.” Former Attorney General

Monday 20th November at 8.30pm on ABC.

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