
I’m Bernard Tomic get me out of here

For the first time in 4 seasons a celebrity has quit TEN series -triggering a social media backlash.

Tennis player Bernard Tomic has delivered I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here a show first by quitting -just days into his arrival.

Tomic, who revealed he was struggling with and depressed by the show’s extreme isolation, is the first in 4 seasons to yell out the magic title words and cut his losses. But he faced a striking snake and extreme aerial challenges before making his decision.

He conceded the series was much tougher than he expected.

“I’ve never done the things I’ve done here in the camp and meeting you people was something that’s going to be special and stay with me for the rest of my life,” Tomic said.

“But I doubted myself a couple of times before I got here and I wasn’t sure if I should come, if it was the right move.”

However fellow cast mates expressed disappointment he had pulled the plug while social media was also highly critical. Being the first to exit is a move that may prove difficult to shake off, and no doubt he will have more to say in his defence.

Quitting the show is expected to severely impact his earnings and those of his chosen charity, and is likely to trigger a reserve celebrity swinging in to the jungle soon.

20 Responses

  1. I just think his appearance fee should be donated to his charity.

    anyway it will be interesting to see his next step. But here is a guy who has no backup plan has millions but seems miserable.

  2. I dont like him. I feel bad for him. He’s young and lost. Obviously he doesn’t have support around him but has so much money and doesn’t know what to do. He doesn’t want to play tennis and I get the feeling it’s the people around him who benefit from the money who are encouraging him to keep playing. He needs help and the people who should be helping him are ignoring his problems. End of my opinion no one asked for.

  3. He did what was right for him, only his opinion matters. mental health is a serious issue and unless you have experienced depression, you should keep your opinions to yourself. yes he probably shouldn’t have done it but I am guessing he thought he was mentally strong enough.

    How many of you would last being cut off from everything, in an unfamiliar setting?

  4. As someone who has suffered with mental health issues I really feel for him. I know if I’d gone through the couple of days in the jungle that he did I’d be desperate to get out. I’d be dreading the days/weeks ahead. It’s incredibly difficult to see the positives when you’re anxious or depressed.

    1. Yes I’m in the same boat and it is very isolating being away from your loved ones and deprived of distractions from distressing thoughts and feelings let alone if you are suffering from depression and are in a pressure cooker situation. And now I worry that it’s going to get worse for him because some people are being so nasty about him leaving the show.

  5. There are psychologists who assess and prep folk before they go into the jungle…surely? While I have very little time or a grain of sympathy for Bernie, this whole thing was a pointless waste of everyone’s time and shouldn’t have gone ahead. As for Bernie, the sooner he gets out of the spotlight and finds a direction in life the better. I hope its not tennis. Very strong hint from Julia last night that Danny Green is heading into the jungle….mmmm

    1. Yes they find out what they are afraid of and then torture them with it. This just proves that Tomic is the most sane contestant to have ever appeared on the show.

  6. No matter what people think of Bernard Tomic he seems to be in a lot of mental anguish and really needs help, he actually said he was depressed so it’s very irresponsible and lacking of empathy for people to pile on and publicly criticise him. I’ve been really disappointed by what some Australian sports stars have Tweeted, he’s an easy target because of his past behaviour but I don’t see the value in ganging up on someone who is mentally ill.

    1. I don’t think he is mentally ill. Maybe if he just quit everything for a couple of years and go travelling, with a couple of close mates. He has enough $$ in the bank and might just work out what he wants to do with his life. If he goes back to tennis, he will just get hounded by media outlets waiting for his next incident. Going on Celeb has not done either side any favours

      1. It’s not up to anyone else to decide who is or isn’t mentally ill, it’s not a visible illness so outsiders can’t see what’s going on inside. Purely anecdotally not many people knew how unwell I was until I wound up in hospital for months with severe depression and that is not an uncommon story. I’m assuming you don’t know him so it’s pretty odd to decide what is going on in his head based on media, this is why many people, particularly men, don’t speak about mental illness because they fear not being believed and also being stigmatised. It would certainly be understandable if he was suffering from depression given the amount of pressure he’s been under since he was a child.

  7. Look if it only took 3,ooo minutes for Bernie to realise that he shouldn’t be there and he needs to get back to work, in a job which he freely admits he doesn’t love, then good on him. Maybe we’ll see the real Bernie on the tennis court from here on. I thought he did well and probably coulda hung in a little longer i’m just some dude sitting at a keyboard. Good luck Bernie where ever you end up !

  8. If Tomic does have depression how did the show not recognise this. Surely they have some kind of process where they assess these contestants for mental illness before they go in.

  9. I was disappointed that he didn’t offer to donate some of his own money to his charity, Ronald McDonald House I think, when Julia asked him about it.

  10. He quits his tennis matches because he’s losing, so quitting a show is no real surprise.

    Frankly I’m surprised he finishes putting his shoes on.

  11. I think it’s obvious to most people that this is a young man in need of help. However, I highly doubt the 3 days he spent in there has changed him as he said, I also doubt he’ll actually seek help now that he’s out. I think what it ultimately came down to was, it was tough in there and he doesn’t like doing anything tough, so he pulled the plug. For his sake, I hope he takes some time away from everything and gets some professional counselling.

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