
House Rules, Have You Been Paying Attention? score on Monday

Ratings: Seven wins at 7:30 but loses a pile thereafter to TEN comedy. World Cup leads late night for SBS.

It was a 7:30 tussle between two shows last night but House Rules emerged victor over MasterChef at 890,000 viewers and 833,000, respectively. TEN’s show still outranked Seven’s in the demos.

ABC offerings managed third in their slot with Back Roads at 635,000 relegating Talkin’ ‘Bout Your Generation to fourth.

But at around 8:45pm Have You Been Paying Attention? was the clear winner on an impressive 865,000 and topping the night in the demos. That was very bad news for the return of First Dates which tumbled Seven’s audience to a lowly 383,000 in fourth spot.  Four Corners and The Big Bang Theory scored second and third places.

Elsewhere a late FIFA World Cup addition on SBS led all networks by about 10:30pm.

Seven network won Monday with 26.9% then Nine 25.5%, TEN 21.4%, ABC 16.8% and SBS 9.4%.

Seven News was #1 with (1.16m / 1.09m), then House Rules (890,000), Home and Away (723,000), The Chase (704,000 / 439,000), First Dates (383,000) and Gordon Behind Bars (140,000).

Nine News (1.06m / 1.05m) led for Nine then A Current Affair (870,000), Hot Seat (604,000 / 348,000), Talkin’ ‘Bout Your Generation (569,000), The Big Bang Theory (508,000 / 390,000). Footy Classified was 143,000 in 3 cities and 100% Footy was 75,000 in 2 cities.

Have You Been Paying Attention? (865,000) was best for TEN then MasterChef Australia (833,000), The Project (591,000 / 413,000), TEN Eyewitness News (515,000), Family Feud (358,000) and The Graham Norton Show (318,000).

ABC News (746,000), Back Roads (635,000), 7:30 (598,000), Four Corners (565,000), Media Watch (530,000), Q&A (401,000), and Think Tank (249,000) comprised ABC’s night.

On SBS it was FIFA World Cup Sweden v Korea (348,000), Sinkholes: Deadly Drops (235,000), Volatile Earth (196,000) and SBS World News (158,000). A World Cup match between Belgium v Panama drew 115,000.

Love Island topped multichannels at 195,000. Talking Footy drew 91,000 on 7mate. Tonightly with Tom Ballard returned to a lowly 26,000.

Sunrise: 248,000
Today: 221,000
ABC News Breakfast: 103,000 / 40,000

OzTAM Overnights: Monday 18 June 2018.

26 Responses

  1. HYBPA is getting so many encores (like all the Ten shows) i lost track that it was actually a new episode & didnt watch, so like I i’ve said before its backfiring on them. On the other hand, i can just watch it on streaming…..but then i would have to use Tenplay :(

  2. Did anyone else notice who the house valuation guy was at David and Chiara’s place? None other than Simon Deering AKA Hotdogs from Big Brother! ??

    1. I thought he looked familiar, and definitely thought he was hot, but I didn’t realise it was Simon Deering, it’s so obvious now you mention it

  3. I’ve been loving TAYG this year! I find it hilarious and Shaun’s clown tomfoolery is fantastic to watch. I love the fact it doesn’t take itself seriously at all and allows everyone to joke around. I hope it survives the season because ratings are not great.

    1. I liked it on Ten but something is missing this series n yet l can’t put my finger on it. Maybe its the younger audience skewing, but it could be the change of set or sides or the set, maybe the captains. All l know it feels different n not in a good way.

      1. Agree. I’m still enjoying TAYG but not as much as the original…not sure what exactly but just something a little lacking this time around.

        1. Probably just the fact irs on 9 would be enough, its still a bit of a middle class old white Liberal voting man’s channel, slowly changing though but not allowing Micallef enough creative freedom as 10 & Abc have.

  4. I hope some one can help me get my head around demographic n show ratings. If MC ticks all the demos yet don’t get a higher viewing audience than HR then who don’t they capture? Older audiences that the demographics tables shown? If they have these people as part Of The sample of view public why don’t they get included in demo figures??

    1. They do tally 55+ but it isn’t considered a key demo. Advertisers prefer younger arguing they are less loyal to brands and can be swayed, also some suggestion more disposable income. Feel free to disagree!

    2. This is what I ask myself every morning. On Sunday night The Voice was overall higher than MasterChef, while MasterChef was #1 in all demos 16-55. In 16-39 MC was some 100,000 ahead of The Voice, which wasn’t even in the top 5. Apparently there was a huge number of under-16 and over-54 watching to push The Voice ahead of MC overall. If not, then as someone once asked, “Please explain?”.

  5. Social media has gone into meltdown over the behaviour of a House Rules contestant last night. Didn’t watch it, but apparently a male was intimidating a female and bullying her.

    1. The editing made Leigh and Kristie (this seasons baddies), look like they were just ignoring the Mother and Daughter team who everyone loves this season. Next week should rate well as the promos are showing the other teams sticking up for and helping the Mum and Daughter team on the last reno.

    2. It is going crazy over it, but in comparison to a full on Love Island it seems tame! Just on Instagram the highest most recent House Rules video is almost 17k views & 233 comments. A Love Island video posted 7 hours later has almost 150k views & 3188 comments.

    3. The male contestant (Lee) has been rather intimidating throughout this whole series. He and his wife are the most unlikeable team I’ve ever seen on House Rules

  6. I love Shaun Micallef and have always been a big Your Gen fan. Unfortunately though episodes in the new season just seem to drag on too long. There also doesn’t seem to be a chemistry between the team captains like there was on Ten’s version.

    1. After watching 2 episodes of the TBYG reboot, I realised Ten was right in cancelling it when it did. It was fun for a time, but when Shaun starts repeating himself it’s never good. Agree with the comment about the captains too, no chemistry and I find them all very dull. Oh well.

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