Pilot Week vote: Would you watch more of Drunk History?
Share your feedback for the TEN comedy with Stephen Curry & Rhys Darby.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under Pilot Week
The latest Pilot Week offering is Drunk History featuring Stephen Curry & Rhys Darby.
This one by Eureka Productions is an adaptation of an overseas format.
How did it compare and did they meet the standard of the original? Would you watch it again?
Rhys Darby and Stephen Curry pour themselves a drink in the international hit comedy format that takes Australia’s rich, and often surprising history and re-tells it in a hilarious, skewed and left-field version.
Rhys Darby is one of New Zealand’s greatest ever comedic exports, and the perfect person to tell the story of Australia’s most beloved race horse because, as he constantly reminds viewers, Phar Lap was in fact born in New Zealand.
Stephen Curry is one of Australia’s most loved comedy actor, opting for beer when retelling the story of our notorious criminal, Ned Kelly.
Prepare to learn and laugh as a stellar Aussie cast led by Gyton Grantley as Ned Kelly and Ryan “Fitzy” Fitzgerald as Phar Lap, reenact these iconic happenings.
- Tagged with Drunk History
25 Responses
This was laugh out loud funny, specially the Phar Lap retelling. Based on the comments here when do we stop being the nanny state. I understand the argument about the drinking but this is the point isn’t it…if you drink you don’t behave or say things ‘normally’.
Loved it, the best by far.
Fitzy has Phar Lap was also hilarious….
Great show for a late night fringe comedy cable network, not suitable for a major free-to-air network with a youth audience… celebrating alcoholism ? When did that become something to be proud of? Promotable ? Wong on so many levels
Hands down the best of pilot week so far, and many more lols than Real Stories. Ten would be nuts to to grab this.
Fitzy was great as Pharlap. I found that very funny. But the premise revolts me.
Brilliant, stayed true to the format, I want more !!
The miming was a big turn off.
I thought it was great. A faithful Aussie renedering of the format. The guy dressed as Pharlap was silly, hilarious fun. I’d watch again.
Was absolutely fantastic, thoroughly enjoyed it. It was comedy perfectly executed.
Have enjoyed the US version for a few years; as some histories can be hit-and-miss, am hoping this is commissioned for a full season. When the story, narration and actors are matched well, the show has great potential.
I’ve never watched the original show, so I can’t compare to see how good it is. I didn’t think it was funny, but I love all the actors and comedians that appeared in the show. While it looks like H&A’s True Story was a work around this concept, I prefer that version as all the actors get to perform and voice their lines rather than miming to the drunk narrator. I’d give it another chance though.
Didn’t mind it. But not as good as I thought it would be.
Enjoyed Rhys – such a likeable guy and the Phar Lap story with Fitzy as the horse.
I wanted to like it.
But it was terrible. Would work better with different hosts, maybe someone that is actually funny?
This country (and many others for that fact) has a massive problem with excessive drinking. It is the cause of many social issues.
Turning that into a comedy television show is completely unacceptable and after five minutes of watching this show, I am standing by my original thoughts.
I am extremely disappointed in the three Pilot Week shows shown so far, I was expecting them all to be fantastic. I was wrong.
They are all terrible and sum up what is wrong with channel 10. CBS need to step in and take more control, the current management need help!
The excessive drinking problem that we have was always in the back of my mind while watching which made it hard to find the funny in it.
Hilarious! Would watch this over Hamish and Andy any day
Absolutely loved it – better than the us version!
Would prefer three tight stories than two slightly indulgent ones. But this was solid and would for sure watch more. Granted I’d be more likely to binge this series on Tenplay than make sure I saw it live every week. Interested to see if the director becomes more of a presence as the series progresses ~ Derek Waters being a constant (as a voice, or stand-in in scenes) helps make the US version feel less exploitive and more joyous.
People drinking and getting drunk may be funny to some people but the most unfunny show I have seen. Thanks David for putting a No voting button.
This show is not my cup of tea at all. Sts
Stephen Curry is annoying sober, even more annoying drunk.
So irresponsible consumption of alcohol is entertainment now? No thanks. Never seen such an unfunny one-note show on TV in my life. The bogan Australian public will probably love it though.
“So irresponsible consumption of alcohol is entertainment now?”
And yet, we screen all the reality shows like Jersey Shore etc that promote partying and binge drinking.
The difference being, alcohol isn’t the primary premise in reality shows. In Drunk History, it’s promoted front and centre.
One word: Satire.