
Oops. ABC News hit by tech glitch

Sydney viewers get Canberra bulletin after frozen images and sync problems.

ABC News viewers in New South Wales last night were confused by frozen images and sync problems.

The Australian reported viewers were shown a frozen screen at the beginning of last night’s bulletin, while the disembod­ied voice of regular newsreader Jeremy Fernandez introduced a news story about Scott Morrison’s trip to the G20.

After several seconds, shouts could be heard as the show cut to Canberra newsreader Dan Bourchier, who apologised for the fault, but Fernandez’s voice continue­d to be broadcast over the top of Bourchier.

It’s understood the cause of the disruption was the broadcaster’s new editing system, part of the wider automation program recently installed across the ABC.

Bour­chier later thanked the viewers for persevering with him. Last month Ian Henderson’s farewell bulletin was also the subject of a technical problem which required him to return a night later for a second attempt.


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