Gone: Changing Rooms
Graham Norton heads back to 7:30 Fridays as 10 concedes its reno show has failed to fire.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under Programming
TEN has yanked Changing Rooms from the schedule effective immediately.
The show initially launched with a Wednesday & Thursday premiere before being bumped to Fridays and Saturdays.
But last week it drew just 196,000 / 135,000 in its new slot and has been yanked altogether.
While 10 indicated it believed in the content, readers questioned why the format had been reworked from its 30 minute original to 2.5 hours. Some also felt the contestants were not responsible for enough of the design decision-making.
The change sees The Graham Norton Show resume to its 7:30pm slot on Friday with more repeats of Hughesy (how many is that now?) and Dancing with the Stars to follow.
Saturday still has a TBA a 7:30 with Ambulance at 9:10pm and a double NCIS: New Orleans from 10:25pm.
The following week 10 has the Australian premiere of Leaving Neverland over two nights.
It’s not clear where unaired episodes of Changing Rooms will screen as yet.
33 Responses
Ten needs to find original programs to air. Recycled shows just don’t seem to work. Even Big Brother would not work today in my view. Having said that it’s their early evening shows that set the pace and deliver the audience to their prime time shows. There lyes the problem, Pointless and The Project are not growing their audience.
Silly concept and silly name. Isn’t that somewhere you go after the match to shower the sweat off?
There was the couple who hated green and didn’t want it in their house. Yet the designer insisted that green be included. Why would you do that?
And yes…too long.
Agree, the golden rule of interior design is to meet the clients brief. Personally I would have loved all the green decor, but it wasn’t my abode.
I just can’t keep up with this. I never know when Hughsery or Shoe me the movie are repeats or new episodes. I thought it was a repeat the other night after Sunday night take away then realised it was a new one so had to quickly start taping it. Come on 10 pick a night & time & stick with it.
This is a point I have made. Too many repeats confuses viewers. Also there is less need to watch the premiere if you know it plays another 6 times.
10 All Access is good in prinicipal but content is lacking making it expensive. They would be better off putting it on STAN which has a much broader range of content.
i wonder about the qualifications of some of these tv programmers! Time & time again commenters here have pointed out the glaring faults of shows, &/or predicted it’s downfall & yet the decision makers seem to be oblivious to it! (ie Changing Rooms being way too long to hold audiences) I put my hand up to do it for what i would bet would be a fraction of what they pay the so called professionals……so maybe $10k a year? a hobby & get paid at the same time :)
First flop of 2019. Closely fought with Instant Hotel, but Instant Hotel has not yet been bumped or dumped, so Changing Rooms takes the crown
I’m surprised that they are still pulling it as it was rating about the same during the week as it did on Friday.
This decision most likely boils down to what will most likely reel in advertising dollars.
It’s quite sad to see TEN flailing like this. In an age of social media buzz, I am frankly shocked that Big Brother has yet to make a comeback that harnesses that enormous potential.
Wondering if TEN would be bothered to edit out Hughesy’s comment to Nat from his last show when they inevitably repeat it. It was along the lines of “See you on The Living Room…er, I mean Changing Rooms”
I couldn’t bring myself to watch the new Changing Rooms over two nights at an extended length. The original Australian version went for usually half-an-hour & similar makeover themed shows without huge windfall for participants, such as 60 Minute Makeover, Backyard Blitz, Domestic Blitz, Property Ladder, Room For Improvement etc. would only go for an hour at most with a conclusion at the end of each episode. I think Natalie Bassingthwaighte is awesome & is greatly respected for her past work, such as her music career & collaboration with Rogue Traders, but it wasn’t enough of a drawcard due to the poor execution of the renewed Changing Rooms. Someone though it would be better to extend it like The Block or House Rules, but it would have been better to stick to the original format.
At what point will CBS recognise the population of Australia cannot sustain 3 commercial TV stations? TV viewership is not likely to increase and will continue on the downward trend with more options available and not just the younger gen moving to YouTube, Netflix, Stan and whatever the next flavour of the month is. The market is becoming so segmented, maybe time to look at a BBC3 model and move Ten online where the audience are…..
10 All Access is a sign they can read that writing on the wall already but sadly launched at the wrong end of the price scale and without enough compelling content for people to sign up
Maybe a sign of moving forward would leave Changing Rooms to screen on 10 All Access & 10 Play only rather than find some sad slot on 10 Peach in a few weeks.
Content will increase as new shows come on board and these won’t be shopped out to the likes of 7 and 9. They will keep it for Ten.
I think this is a good move – networks need to make decisions to axe programs a little more quickly and avoid too many failures lingering on. It does mean there are some content holes to fill with more repeats but I think this is the best move.
Also agree with everyone else that this was a 30 minute show at best and even then would have felt padded. At 150 minutes it was just insanity.
If this was on 9 it would be drawing close to a million. 10 just can’t win.
I disagree. The version Ten presented would fail anywhere. And had Nine screened it, the comparisons to the old (condensed) show would have been deafening
I think some of 10’s Programmers need to jump onto Hughsey’ s show
Forgive my ignorance, because I don’t know much about the ”business” of TV… but can Ten just not afford content?
It’s like every night is repeat, repeat, repeat… I never worry if something clashes with a Ch.10 show, because i know i can just watch one of the several ”encores”
I’ve also noticed that movies, from other channels, will show up on Ten… they will repeat it on Eleven within a week… and then it disappears again… it’s like they have some kind of system where they ”rent” movies because they can’t afford them
Personally i think they make a mistake trying to go up against reality juggernauts with just more reality/reno etc… it’s never going to work… surely CBS has access to some American content… stuff they can try as a point of difference?
People aren’t watching scripted American shows either on FTA. They rather would watch scripted Reality shows.
10 Peach’s prime time lineup is testament to this. Just endless reruns of Everybody Loves Raymond, Frasier, Sex and the City and now Two & a half Men to fill about two thirds of the timeslots and have done so ever since they lost the rights to 20th Century Fox content.
And this is with just two secondary channels to fill compared to the countless ones 7 & 9 can find watchable content for.
They have tried it at different times but I think so many people, like myself have lost trust in the free to air networks to consistently play a show in a timely manner. State of Origin, NRL grand final and a few ABC Comedy’s and a couple of observational shows is all that I watch on FTA these days. The rest is either on Foxtel or streaming services.
From a US TV perspective, nothing beats the reliability of having the show drop on Hulu in my watch list at 9pm Sydney time the day after it has been broadcast in the US.
I really can’t see a future for 10. Wouldn’t be surprised if CBS shuts up shop in Australia at some stage in the not too distant future.
Again with over run it was just under 3 hours. No doubt Chris and Julia will get a Saturday repeat. The 3 channels are just full of encores all week long and it must be hurting the premier episodes as you wouldnt have a clue if its a repeat or not.
After seeing changing rooms on Gogglebox it certainly seemed like the neighbours were told what to do and everything already chosen.
Hopefully 10 learnt their lesson and won’t attempt to stretch out other formats further than they should be for future shows. Wonder where this will pop up down the track, maybe Saturday afternoons? To not move it straight to 11 or 1 must mean they expect the current rerun content to out rate this.
Some of their shows are toooo long, some of their better shows are just way too short…
Just remind 10 to let the audience choose and give their shows time and a few tweaks.
Don’t say maybe baby .. Who put a voodoo on this show ( theres no more drums,wheres the sound of drums ) ???
Wow that’s a massive fail, bit what did TEN expect with trying to stretch out a 30 minute format into , what 2.5 hours over 2 nights ?
I’m thinking Recipe and Disaster in the same sentence.
And originating in the guilded halls of Shine Endemol or whatever they are called this year it would not have come cheap.
Really TEN programming have many deep questions to answer about their big misfires in scheduling, and it’s still only February !
Great idea to lose the BB guys, wasn’t it? All that cricket money flowing into Production, well at least you know the cricket usually rates.
I wonder what their CBS overlords are thinking, pulling a multi million dollar series? Time to pull the reins in maybe and take real control ?
May as well have just run it out. Nothing will probably do much better.
my thoughts too, they spent money on it being produced, seems silly to trash it completely & come up with something that will rate better. May as well just let it run at some timeslot, not necessarily their prime, better than endless encores surely!
I think Ten’s programmers are frightened of losing their jobs to be honest. So they are desperately trying to make something work…
I actually saw a bit of this last Friday night, I was at a friends house and it was in the back ground, every time I looked at the TV it seemed to still be going, but there was one thing that stood out to me more than anything… Natalie basingwaithe or however it spelt is so bland and boring and didn’t seem to add anything to the show. It doesn’t surprise me that it’s hit the cutting room floor. hopefully they will give it another chance and revive it in its original format with a host who has personality, Like Jessica Rowe
Agreed – far too long and ipso facto far too boring.