
Record ratings for MAFS as Sunday Night Takeaway beaten by SBS

Ratings: 1.86m for a brawling MAFS reunion.... but just 161,000 for 10's family entertainment.

The penultimate Married at First Sight pulled its biggest ever audience last night at a whopping 1.86m viewers as participants reunited and proceeded to verbalise on another across a drunken dinner table before making it physical. The show was so big it even drew free cinema screenings across Sydney.

With a final episode tonight, it could go higher still…

The episode signalled bad news for rival competitors, more than doubling My Kitchen Rules at 784,000 viewers. Restoration Australia was in third place, from 7:40pm, on 498,000 viewers.

Sunday Night Takeaway (in which Julia Morris even referred to other shows with “lying, cheating and infidelity” sank to its lowest figure so figure -a dreadful 161,000. That left it in fifth place, beaten by Secrets of the Bermuda Triangle on SBS at 180,000.

Nine Network dominated Sunday a huge 45.5% share then Seven 25.8%, ABC 14.2%, 10 8.9% and SBS 5.6%.

Nine News drew 1.1m viewers then 60 Minutes on a 2019 high at 1.08m and Australian Crime Stories on 437,000.

Seven News was best for Seven at 1.1m. Sunday Night was just 400,000. Manhunt drew 161,000.

ABC News led ABC a 634,000. Melbourne Comedy Festival All Stars Supershow pulled 308,000

10 sat under 300,000 all night with The Sunday Project (262,000 / 239,000), 10 News First (239,000). Hughesy We Have a Problem was just 198,000. Bondi Rescue was 138,000 and NCIS just 108,000.

SBS World News (137,000), The Case Against Adnan Syed (95,000) and Kilauea: Hawaii on Fire (64,000) comprised SBS other shows.

Bluey on ABC KIDS was high at 261,000.

OzTAM Overnights: Sunday 7 April 2019.

53 Responses

  1. Sunday Night Takeaway is a very good well produced show Chris And Julia are the perfect choice as hosts I hope they bring the show back later in the year or sometime next year

  2. I think that would be close to Tens worst share since the royal wedding when the primary channel got 3.4 percent you do have to feel sorry for them

  3. Kudos to 10 for at least offering an alternative to the crap reality offered up by the other commercial networks. And here comes BIP, a 10 show I can’t support, sorry 10.

  4. I watched the first few season of MAFS, which was about the marriages, but now it’s turned into The Bold and Beautiful on steroids. I have not watched it since.

  5. I watched Sunday Night Takeaway, and really enjoyed it….it just keeps improving….needed time to settle in…a shame more are not watching. ?

    1. Has there ever been a lower primetime figure for any show in Aussie TV history? (Seriously I have got no idea)
      10 points goes to the first person to give me an (or the) answer.

          1. Before it gets approved to show, I forgot to add this.

            I am only asking for any lower primary channel primetime figures from 7, 9 or 10.

          2. We know what you mean but for some reason the answer is not forthcoming. It’s a good bet that this is the lowest prime time rating disaster during ratings period not including weekends/summer/etc etc…..there you go.

    1. We watched Pet Semetery, mind you some of the actors in MAFS are just as scary with those lips and botox . Watched SNT and HWHAP after we got home.

  6. There’s a notion that it’s humiliating for a commercial network show to be beaten in the ratings by an ABC or SBS program. Credit should be given for quality programming achieving good results in the ratings on ABC or SBS.

    In regards to shows like MAFS, there can be advice and guidance on how to deal with relationships and issues that can crop up, whether or not to continue relationships, whether to reconcile etc. and the best way to go about that, however, using relationship conflict purely for drama and entertainment seems to be shameful and sets a poor example for people watching.

    1. Was a pretty lacklustre result for SBS-the point being it was a total disaster for 10’s heavily promoted current flagship show to rate substantially lower than that.

  7. Hi, I’m Deejay and I’m addicted to MAFS. I need help. Can’t get enough of this trash, will be glad when it’s all over, but I’ll still watch it tonight.

  8. Only 161,000 for Sunday Night Takeaway?
    Are you kidding me? I feel like I am in a different planet from the majority of TV viewers in Australia.

    If next week’s season finale does not rise the show up in ratings (keep in mind MAFS would be done by then), then not only will there not be a Season 2 (a shame IMO), there is a chance that some people behind the scenes could get the chop.
    Also CBS might make some more changes at Channel 10 as a whole. Under 300,000 all night on a Sunday night can’t be acceptable to them.

    1. Based on how much cash and prizes they gave out last night, it would roughly be 33c a viewer. Possibly worse.
      I hope for bigger ratings for the season finale.

        1. 10 may not be paying for the prizes specifically, but they will be paying in the form of make goods to sponsors. Sadly I think it’s beyond the point of potentially bringing it back against softer competition later in the year

  9. Makes me laugh at the comments here like “Disgusting! What has happened to society! Won’t somebody think of the children!?”. Lighten up a bit. I watch it with a mate (and a grain if salt) and we are usually in hysterics over it, it’s just fun and entertaining, cringeworthy and addictive. If TV ever wasn’t that I’ll concede it’s time to stop watching. Until then, bring on tonights final lol.

  10. Weeping for society right now (as I watch the latest ep of MAFS on catchup?). Yes I stopped watching in disgust a few weeks back. But super curious about this reunion.

  11. The problem with MKR is that it’s the same tired old format, which is finally running out of steam.
    Every single promo for MKR seems to focus on all of the contrived drama, dinner table arguments & bitchiness. I can recall the very first promo I saw before the new series had even started, was already focusing on the drama! The actual food seems to take a back seat. At least Masterchef focuses on the food and not personality clashes, it’s a far superior product. My wife who has watched MKR for the past 10years didn’t even bother giving it a look this year. It was a turn off from the beginning.

    1. There is actually a promo running that focuses purely on the food aspect, the finals are here, amazing food etc without one bit of drama in it. I know, i was surprised to see it too. They seem to run it randomly.

    2. MKR was promoting all week that the lying scanal would be exposed! It Wasn’t!!!! Hardly even talked about in a dull boring episode. The only lying was seven claiming it was the episode we were waiting for. Show has become boring – same thing each night and takes two weeks to kick out one team. Needs to get back to basics and eliminate teams far quicker

    1. For sure… 1,900,000 viewers just watched the ultimate in confected Reality drama.

      As a trailer for the 2020 season, it couldn’t have reached a bigger audience.

      I tried to endure the last 20 minutes of SNT but honestly that show is old hat.

  12. MAFS may be trashy but ive loved it. Well done 9 on these figures and breaking the 7 stronghold with MKR this year.
    Well deserved. I hope tonight they can hit 2 million. Hope we see Cyrell on our screens again!

    1. Not sure if beating one reality show that was Bitchin ‘in the Kitchen’ for another which was ‘Married’ Bitchin’ is worth applauding?
      Yes good on 9 for beating 7, but it was substituting one poor representation of human nature for another. In the era of #MeToo and #antibullying messages, I consider both unacceptable!

      1. Wait Bitchin Kitchen with Nadia G was the bomb … okay I know you meant MKR but I loved that show way back on 7Me … so blatant hint to SBSFood or 7Food repeat it.

  13. Never a fan of MAFS but I’ve been wanting to see how the drama finally unfolded to its conclusion. Disappointing still how the show allowed Jess and Dan to continue the experiment – therefore you’re accepting cheating which is against the moral of the show. Nevertheless, I have no doubt that the Reunion Finale tonight will smash the 2,000,000 barrier for the first time.

    Bluey, my favourite show ever. I’m so proud that it’s rating well for the multichannels. Melbourne’s Comedy Festival was enjoyable too.

    I hope that Dancing with the Stars will perform better next Monday (likely Grand Finale) without the juggernaut in the way.

  14. Quarter 2 will be interesting now, none more so than Nine (can they get a big boost for The Voice and Lego Masters from all the exposure during Married?)

    Is there a technical start for Q2, tomorrow night with no more Married? Or after Easter? I know David flagged something on this in his newsletter a couple of weeks ago.

    1. I highly doubt that The Voice will continue the momentum that MAFS had for Channel 9. My opinion, The Voice is okay, but the format of the show is in a way repetitive having to see the same thing all over again (like MKR with its useless addition of Open House). The show hasn’t been as massive as it once was. But we know that Blind Auditions often rate well, so it’ll be interesting to see how it performs whenever it comes on air.

      As for Lego Masters, it doesn’t really excite me. I saw the teasers for it and never gained interest. But I’m keen to see how the first episode goes and whether it can perform well against other shows (possibly 7’s MKR and 10’s BIP)

      1. The Voice should be renamed the Delta Goodrem show! Its not about the contestants, i5s about Delta and the other judges. Most of the contestants haven’t had great success after show. Nobody is interested in watching the judges carry on!

    2. The break starts April 14th and ends April 27th so guess that would be the start of quarter two, one hope for Nine is the Cricket World Cup and Ashes in primetime and scheduling that around NRL in the NRL States will be interesting.

    1. In the past couple of years, Sophie Monk’s Bachelorette on 10 went as high as 1.7m metro and MKR had 1.6m for that ‘you are excused from the table’ episode after the Comm Games last year.

      But point taken.

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