Can’t touch The Block
Ratings: Nine renovation show is more than twice its competition. It's all about Telethon in the West.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under News
The Block was streets ahead of its competition last night, pulling an audience of 1.09m viewers and topping the demos.
That was more than twice its rivals, Bride & Prejudice (440,000 -including in an 8:30 slot in Perth), Grand Designs: The Street (413,000 from 7:40pm), The Graham Norton Show (300,000 from 7:30pm) and Secrets Of The Railway (241,000).
Nine’s lead continued thereafter with 60 Minutes on 610,000 then Total Control (495,000), Sunday Night (376,000, including on 7TWO in Perth), NCIS (288,000) and Egypt’s Top Ten Treasures (219,000).
Nine network easily won Sunday with 35.8% then Seven 25.8%, ABC 15.3%, 10 13.7% and SBS 9.5%.
Nine News drew 867,000 for Nine. BTK: A Killer Among Us was 417,000.
Seven News won its 6pm slot with 901,000. A Confession was 270,000. Telethon drew up to 151,000 in Perth, eclipsed only by Seven News, and raising a massive $42.6m.
ABC News was 633,000, with Compass (158,000) and Patrick Melrose (148,000).
The Sunday Project was 353,000 / 227,000 for 10. An NCIS replay pulled 221,000. Earlier a SuperCar Championship pulled 286,000 for the Race.
SBS World News was 148,000.
10 BOLD’s Australian MotoGP led multichannels at 165,000.
OzTAM Overnights: Sunday 27 October 2019.
- Tagged with 60 Minutes, A Confession, ABC News, Australian MotoGP, Bride & Prejudice, BTK: A Killer Among Us, Compass, Egypt's Top Ten Treasures, Grand Designs: The Street, NCIS, Nine News, Patrick Melrose, SBS World News, Secrets Of The Railway, Seven News, Sunday Night, SuperCar Championship, Telethon, The Block, The Graham Norton Show, The Sunday Project, Total Control
9 Responses
Bride & Prejudice didn’t make it to air in Perth till 9.11pm due to Telethon overrun.
I’m not enjoying this season of the block now only watch the Sunday episodes this season is boring with over forced drama created by the producers
Who can remember when Sunday nights where a battleground for ratings dominance. I think Network Ten started the charge, dumping movies and putting Law and Order on at 8.30pm.
I agree with the comment above, what a waste many nights have become on these days, it also seems networks have given up on after 9pm as well, they aren’t even trying to regain audiences lost to streaming.
Yep TEN started it first they had NCIS then Law and Order: Criminal Intent took it’s place.
NCIS is my memory, 10 was definitely first to dump Sunday movies.
Yep and people have to remember it was much easier to program back 10-15 years ago when the viewing public weren’t so concerned about fast-tracking. Then the channels could hold shows back to a February start and something like NCIS or L&O could be shown pretty much for 24 weeks straight (taking out Easter). Now with people wanting it now it’s much more difficult to do with the USA’s erratic TV schedule where 24 eps of say NCIS take 8 months to show (34 weeks = This Season Sept 25 2018 – May 21 2019).
We found it fascinating regarding the ww2 history as we never knew about it even though we live in cairns.
When I checked the episode info on the programme via foxtel it was episode 6 of 6.Looking forward to the others though.
Good numbers for the trains on SBS-would have helped that it was featuring a local line.
What a wasteland Sunday viewing was, just streaming for me.