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Will Pilot Week happen in 2021?
10 is keeping its options open for Pilot Week to return in 2021.
- Published by David Knox
- on
It may not have rated a mention at 10’s recent Upfronts but Pilot Week may yet be happening in 2021.
In these COVID risky times, 10 is keeping its options open.
10 sources tell TV Tonight the network is very proud of the initiative and will have more information in coming months.
Pilot Week is indeed a rare development idea in the Free to Air landscape, which has resulted in further episodes of Drunk History, Taboo, Trial by Kyle, Kinne Tonight and Saturday Night Rove.
It was due to be held in 2020 but like so much production, that was derailed by COVID.
Fingers crossed for 2021.
- Tagged with Drunk History, Kinne Tonight, Saturday Night Rove, Taboo, Trial By Kyle
6 Responses
Hopefully this returns, definitely loved watching some of the shows that 10 were potentially ‘testing’ and bringing back.
What do u mean channel ten is proud of its initiative. They do this in america and it is CBS who owns ten.
First time on FTA in Australia…also, the US don’t run titles back-to-back in a week, only over a period of time.
Maybe that is why it was not so popular it was not done over a period of time.
Game shows has been a problem for Network 10, nothing works! 10 should address this issue in Pilot Week, testing different half hour game shows starting from five o’clock or 5.30. Most of the programs in Pilot Week have been unsuccessful.
I think its a great concept. My only issue is they show air it the same time every year and in put it in time slots that people can view them. I would air them in the winter months where more eyes are on the box. Perhaps they could run 1st eps of upcoming shows as well. As a taste to the public.