Clancy Brown joins Dexter revival
Dexter revival finds its next baddie...
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under News
US actor Clancy Brown (Billions, Emergence, Sleepy Hollow) has joined the Dexter revival.
He will play Kurt Caldwell, the unofficial mayor of a small town called Iron Lake and be the primary antagonist for Dexter (Michael C. Hall).
According to the character description, Kurt is a former big rig driver and now owner of several trucks and the local truck stop. A man of the people, he’s loved by everyone in town; if he’s got your back, consider yourself blessed. Should anyone cross him, or hurt someone he loves, however, God help them.
The limited series revival “isn’t Dexter season nine” says showrunner Clyde Phillips who adds, “this was an opportunity to write a second finale for the show.” Thank God for that….
Michael C. Hall has also said, “People found the way that show left things pretty unsatisfying, and there’s always been a hope that a story would emerge that would be worth telling. I include myself in the group of people that wondered, ‘What the hell happened to that guy?’”
Yeah really…
Source: Hollywood Reporter
- Tagged with Billions, Dexter, Emergence, Sleepy Hollow
12 Responses
I’ll tune in. Loved Clancy’s turn as the mean captain in Shawshank Redemption.
I had forgotten all about Dexter, perhaps it should have been left that way, but then again I haven’t seen much of Michael C.Hall lately.
This guy played the protagonist on Carnivale 20 years back too ..the satanic Preacher against Nick Stahl’s character …great series
Yes he has done some great work. Loved Carnivale.
The Kurgen, chops off Dexters head…there can be only one
The whole final season was just woeful and to watch it alongside Breaking Bads final season and see the trajectory the writers took Walter White on made watching Dexter all the more painful.
I don’t have much faith in the revival and reading that it seems to be set in the small hick town Dexter ended up in is even more disappointing, one feature that I absolutely loved about the show was the Miami setting, the sun drenched, bright happy background setting was just in total stark contrast to the darkness of the storyline and actions playing out on screen and I just really loved that.
Some hope given the original showrunner, perhaps.
True and honestly I’ll check it out given how much I loved most of the series. Been a fan a long time and have even read most of the original novels that the show was based on.
Problem is they’ve also previously said they won’t be undoing anything that happened in the woeful series final which should be banished from all of TV history… so even if this is actually any good, it still won’t repair the damage done by the last 45 minutes of the last episode (unless they pull a Roseanne and say “oh it was all just a dream” – here’s hoping!!).
Yep. That finale, and actually the whole final season was dire.
Exciting! Can’t wait to see how this all plays out. I was Dexter obsessed during it’s original run.
I mean… to say I’m excited about this “revival” is an understatement. And let’s be honest… it’s season 9…
I was also surprised to find out that Clancy Brown voices Mr. Krabs in Spongebob! He’s always solid in his work so this should be no exception. I’m beyond keen for this!!