★★★★★ 0/5
Renewed: Housos
7mate has more comedy on the way from Paul Fenech in 2021.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under News
Good news for Housos fans with 7mate greenlighting another season in 2021.
And there looks like even more from creator Paul Fenech too.
“Paul is doing a couple of series for us and we’ve got some other comedy series coming as well,” says Network Director of Programming Angus Ross.
“7mate will have more local productions than it’s ever had before, concentrating on the factual and the comedy space.”
- Tagged with Houso's
5 Responses
Hoping that one of the other shows is a new season of Swift & Shift Couriers…
Loved the first two seasons on SBS, but that last new season on 7mate was woeful. Every episode was basically the same as the last – over the top smutty sex references + swearing… then repeat. No real storylines to any of the episodes, and way too many characters to keep track of (at least the characters in the previous seasons had points of difference, whereas all the new ones this time around are basically the same as each other).
So true man it’s not that good or down to earth anymore too much sex rubbish tities showing and just the same thing over and over the movies were also not that great authority was alright but the fat pizza one was yes woeful should’ve stuck to what they had in season 1
Liked the first season of the show but now I think the whole franchise is crap!!! Just sayin!!!
This is great news! Housos is always good for a laugh!