
Byron Bay locals stage protest on water

A 'protest-paddle' was staged on water this morning may give Netflix 'money can't buy' publicity.

This is publicity you can’t buy…

Locals in Byron Bay, unhappy with suggestions their town will form a backdrop to an upcoming Netflix docusoap, took to water to stage a protest.

A ‘protest-paddle’ was staged on water this morning over objections to the recently announced, Byron Baes planning to follow a ‘feed’ of hot Instagrammers creating drama content.

Their objections have already reached as far as the BBC and Hollywood Reporter.

This comes before any evidence of how the tourist town may be portrayed in the series.

Local mayor Simon Richardson told ABC he has no problem with local influencers posting from Byron.

“I guess what the problem is, is if external organisations exploit who we are, exploit or community, exploit.. I guess… a 30 to 40 year old developed reputation and energy that’s here.

He added, “It’s not the people themselves it’s how it’s portrayed…. if we become a laughing stock through a vacuous, fake show it could have …big sensitivity challenges for us but actually economic challenges.”

But Associate Professor David Waller, who heads the University of Technology Sydney’s marketing faculty, said the protesters were giving the show they hate free publicity.

“[Netflix] will be loving it. It’s getting them a lot of free publicity and coverage on television networks,” Dr Waller, who has previously worked in the film industry, said.

“It’s a clever strategy, a lot of companies will use controversy to build awareness … if you’re getting your opposition to talk about you, you must be doing something right.”

He added, “This footage of the opposition and protests may end up in the documentary even.”

Photo: ABC

4 Responses

  1. Would this show not be the eagerly anticipated season two of The Shire we have all waited what feels like a decade for? Just a new name and updated talent

  2. I’m not sure what Lord Mayor Simon Richardson is suggesting when he says, “but actually economic challenges.” Is he suggesting when Byron Baes is released onto the Netflix streaming platform he is going to see a tidal wave of tourists flock to Byron Bay? Lord Simon does understand the world is still in the grip of a pandemic right? I don’t see too many overseas tourists boarding planes. And if he is so concerned about such pressures why then are music festivals, where thousands of people descend on the area is allowed. Granted Bluesfest was cancelled but the other big one, Splendour In The Grass is still going ahead. All this hyper-ventilating from the locals is exhausting but giving Netflix a free kick.

  3. A protest paddle sending holistic shockwaves around the world. Scary stuff huh..!

    “if we become a laughing stock through a vacuous fake show”, no worries on that front, mission already accomplished

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