
Married at First Sight: meet the intruders

Three new couples will enter Nine reality series.

Three new couples will enter Married at First Sight next week.


Carolina, 33 (pictured top)
Online Business Owner
Brazilian-born Carolina is a driven, successful business owner who is passionate, direct and filter-free when it comes to relationships. Carolina falls hard and quickly, but things often escalate and end in drama, including her last relationship which tanked after she found out he was cheating. Carolina’s father died while her mother was pregnant, and she says that growing up without a man in her life has massively impacted her relationships. Carolina always felt the need to fill the gap with any male she could date, so she was eternally in a relationship, settling for all the wrong men just to have a father figure. Falling pregnant herself at 15 to her high school boyfriend, Carolina raised her son as a single mother with the support of her family in Brazil. While her son, now aged 16, is her “everything”, having a child so young has shaped her dating life and she has always struggled to find a good man with the same passion she thrives on. Having moved from Brazil, teaching herself English and building her business from scratch in Australia, Carolina is strong, resilient, independent, and has everything she could want – except someone equally passionate to share her life with.

Jessica, 27
Retail Assistant
Jessica is the daughter of devoted parents from a traditional Maltese background. Her parents are her best friends, and by celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this year, they are the epitome of what a perfect marriage should look like for Jess. Jess experienced heartache at the age of 12 when she lost her older sister to breast cancer. It left her an only child and made her not only grow up quicker but develop a fear of abandonment which extended to dating, where she would attach herself to guys even when they treated her badly. Through adversity, Jess developed resilience, and she likes to stay positive no matter what life throws her way. Her ideal husband will be protective and confident with a soft side.

Kate, 38
Clinical Nutritionist
Despite her age, Kate has never been in a relationship, never had a boyfriend – and never had anyone say “I love you”. In fact, the idea of marriage has only ever felt like an impossible fantasy for Kate, whose dating history has been filled with rejection over romance. Rather than facing the constant disappointment of dating, Kate holes up watching movies with her best friend and housemate, her equally single twin sister. When Kate has ventured out into the dating world, her loneliness allowed herself to often be treated badly by guys rather than knowing her own self-worth. The repeated rejections and put-downs have left her feeling not deserving of love and lacking confidence when it comes to the opposite sex. The idea of being in the same loveless, lonely situation for the next ten years terrifies Kate and she hopes Married at First Sight will be the beginning of true love with a man who shows her the affection she craves.


Daniel, 30
Personal Trainer
Daniel is confident, successful and driven – but despite his athletic appearance, fitness and the gym mean much more than lifting weights for him. It saved his life. Describing his childhood as chaotic, Daniel and his siblings went to live with their dad after their parents separated. Home life with his alcoholic father was incredibly unstable and he didn’t have a relationship with his mother. Then at 17, his older brother took his own life. Finding solace in fitness, the gym taught Daniel structure, discipline and direction. He learned how to work hard and to show up even when you don’t feel like it – something he does in every aspect of life. In addition, Daniel took on a fatherly role to his seven-year-old niece – his “most important person in the world” – when she was born, and his goal is to be a role model to her, to show her a healthy relationship and a stable family environment of his own.

Dion, 33
Property Developer
Dion is a successful guy who enjoys the finer things in life. His love of designer clothes, cars, boats and helicopters sees him in an exciting and fast-paced lifestyle that takes him across the country to high-flying corporate and social events. Like his grandfather said, “Life is too short to smoke cheap cigars.” Despite his life of glamour, Dion is a generous, kind and caring gentleman who wants to share his success with his other half. He’s over the single life and desperate for someone to join his big Italian family. As a family man at his core, Dion showers his family with love and can often be found on the phone to his mum, dad, Nonna and Nonno several times a day. Dion is looking for the love of his life, the woman he can settle down and have a family with, and hoping that his bold move to marry a stranger might just work for him.

Matt, 39
Law Clerk
Engaging Matt has a great job and bunch of friends – the only thing missing is the love story. However, this isn’t Matt’s first journey up the aisle. He and his ex-wife went through years of heartbreakingly unsuccessful IVF, so they turned to fostering children – over 27 in total. Eventually the stresses took their toll, and after seven years the marriage ended. Matt has been single ever since. Matt looks to his role-model parents – happily married for over 45 years – for guidance and hopes for a woman he can share his love and life with, just like them. With sound, dependable and mature experience, Matt hasn’t given up on his dreams of becoming a dad, and believes that he is destined to fall in love again.

Married at First Sight airs 7pm Sunday and 7:30pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday on Nine.

One Response

  1. Could this show sink any lower, its really gutter television, yet people are drawn to it. Id be interested to know the demos of the audience, but I think I can already guess. Such a pity there arnt any decent role models out there.

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