
Ukraine calls for Russia to be suspended from Eurovision

Ukranian trio Kalush Orchestra has shot to #2 in the bookies' odds, as non-political event gets political.

Like the Olympics, the Eurovision Song Contest is meant to be a non-political event.

Historically it was mounted in 1956 as a way of reuniting Europe following World War II. Bringing nations together through music was seen as forging ties across a continent.

Songs, lyrics, costumes, props referring to politics are strictly forbidden by organisers.

Of course as a ‘non-political event’, the voting is always anything but….

The 2022 event set for Turin in May has likely taken a new turn following events this week in Europe.

Ukraine’s state broadcaster UA:PBC had called for Russia to be suspended.

“We of course will continue to monitor the situation closely,” organisers said.

The Ukranian entry is “Stefania” by hip-hop trio Kalush Orchestra, which in the latest odds by bookies has leapt to second place.

“The EBU needs to rethink this,” Sweden’s state broadcaster SVT CEO Hanna Stjärne also said in a statement. “I sympathise with the basic idea of ​​Eurovision as an apolitical event. But the situation in Europe is extremely serious with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. It crosses all boundaries.

“We have called on the EBU to change course and will follow the development closely.”

Russia’s entry, yet to be decided, has plummeted to last place with the bookies. It’s not clear what kind of reception the act will get from the audience when they turn up in Turin.

Meanwhile Australia’s act is  to be chosen tomorrow night on SBS.

5 Responses

  1. I agree, should not appear, if they do, a low mark and booed, but they may agree with the rest of our Free World, and Despise Putin/Lukashenko and their Thugs !

  2. It would open one hell of a Pandora’s box if they were suspended. I would think it would be more punishing to compete and get zero points from the public. Suspending them would be an easy out.

  3. Similar happened with Turkey’s first entry in 1975, which came last, having been awarded a paltry three points in total, even though it was probably their best song in Eurovision history.

  4. It should be about the music and not who has the best diplomatic relations. The same goes for the voting. It should be about which song is the best of the contest.

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