★★★★★ 0/5
World’s most stupid Wheel of Fortune round
Words fail me.... and them.
- Published by David Knox
- on
They say it’s easier to play quizzes at home on the couch than in the TV studio.
But this segment on a Wheel of Fortune phrase really takes the cake.
- Tagged with Wheel of Fortune
12 Responses
This is a very old fashion saying…I am not surprised young ones have never heard of it….😊
She probably qualifies as a university professor in California.
I actually had no idea what it was the entire time either. I have never heard that phrase before.
By the end I was waiting for that Lady to say Another Feather In Your Wap.
OMG! That was excruciating to watch, especially that woman.
There are some gems on YouTube, like “An Ace Of Kidneys” or “A Group Of Pill-Pushers”. Watch the reaction of the host on the latter, classic.
It’s pretty clear the 1st guy knew the answer, but hitting a Bankrupt then Lose A Turn double-whammy prevented him from getting a chance to solve it (which he finally did on his third attempt).
We need a free-to-air game show channel like Challenge in the UK. Plenty of content out there and can be monetized with advertising. Some of the biggest shows for ratings are The Chase and The Hot Seat so it would attract viewers.
I will solve: Another feather in your WA?
I don’t feel well now.
Good evidence of the low literacy standards and why the US is way down the list in the annual PISA test results for their kids.