
The Weekly return wins slot for ABC

The Voice defeats Travel Guides and Hard Quiz. Seven takes out its fourth night of the week.

The return of The Weekly with Charlie Pickering won its slot for ABC at 460,000 metro viewers last night.

That was ahead of a MasterChef Masterclass (369,000), Britain’s Got Talent (333,000), Tomorrow Tonight (329,000) and The Thing About Pam (270,000 / 222,000).

Earlier The Voice again won its slot at 683,000 then Travel Guides (613,000), Hard Quiz (533,000),  7:30 (477,000) and MasterChef Australia (443,000).

Seven network won Wednesday with 29.8% then Nine 27.9%, 10 18.2%, ABC 16.5% and SBS 7.5%.

Seven News was #1 at 953,000 / 905,000 for Seven. The Chase was 525,000 / 303,000 with Home & Away at 481,000.

Nine News (896,000 / 860,000) led for Nine. A Current Affair won with 666,000 then Hot Seat (426,000 / 278,000).

The Project drew 407,000 / 248,000 for 10. 10 News First was 295,000 / 198,000. In a late slot First Dates was just 193,000.

ABC News was 645,000 for ABC. The Drum (161,000) and Would I Lie to You? (141,000) followed.

On SBS it was SBS World News (158,000 / 124,000), MH370: The Lost Flight (136,000), Tony Robinson’s Coast to Coast (123,000), Michael Mosley: Truth About Sleep (100,000) and Mastermind (80,000).

Bluey led multichannels at 125,000.

Sunrise: 233,000
Today: 185,000
News Breakfast: 112,000 / 71,000

In Total TV numbers for last Wednesday have been delayed again.

OzTAM Overnights: Wednesday 27 April 2022

5 Responses

  1. Heaven knows how those programming “experts ” at TEN can still talk the talk and spin the BS to their CBS overlords about how good they are. Surely their lines must be getting about as thin as Masterchef’s ratings…

  2. 10 really can’t look to MasterChef as their heavy hitter any more. It’s been 13 years (!) including celebrity, professionals and junior versions. The public has been saturated with it and it’s freshness and appeal is no longer there. We know what to expect each season. Don’t get me wrong, it used to be appointment viewing fir me, but that ended many years ago. 10 can’t possibly imagine viewers to remain loyal year after year. Viewership will naturally dwindle.

    10 need a hit. Desperately.

  3. Fairly narrow win for The Voice over Travel Guides but the former still looking like a pretty solid pick-up by Seven from Nine and skillfully tweaked with good judging panel and (sensibly) a shorter-run. Unlike MasterChef where it may be slightly a case of nearly all-formats eventually peak and then start to decline (even after stellar runs over many years) but also, you can flog the life out of a show (MKR being another, similar example that springs to mind, and interestingly, going to be re-booted soon by Seven.)

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