
Ratings gap closes without Kochie at Sunrise

Just 7,000 viewers between Sunrise & Today. MasterChef wins in entertainment & the demos.

Is Kochie’s absence from Sunrise having an impact on ratings?

And if so, it hints at how Seven will be determined to keep him working.

Yesterday Sunrise was 207,000 metro viewers, only just ahead of Today: 200,000, with News Breakfast at 114,000 / 62,000.

On Monday Seven led by just 16,000 and on Tuesday it was 13,000.

The veteran breakfast host is off air for two more weeks, which may be all Today needs to get a few wins under their belt….

Meanwhile MasterChef Australia led entertainment and the demos at 559,000 just ahead of Leigh Sales’ penultimate 7:30 (555,000) then Gruen (524,000), Australian Ninja Warrior (455,000) and Big Brother (320,000).

Later The Weekly with Charlie Pickering was 452,000 well in front of You Can’t Ask That (285,000), Travel Guides (263,000), The Front Bar (256,000), Five Bedrooms (238,000).

Nine network won Wednesday with 29.9% then Seven 25.2%, 10 19.1%, ABC 17.6% and SBS 8.2%.

Nine News (823,000 / 813,000) was best for Nine. A Current Affair was 624,000 then Hot Seat (424,000 / 277,000).

Seven News was #1 at 916,000 / 891,000 for Seven. The Chase won at 518,000 / 308,000 then Home & Away (433,000). Unbelievable Moments Caught on Camera was 112,000 across the network.

The Project drew 372,000 / 230,000 for 10. 10 News First was 284,000 / 194,000. Bull was 117,000.

ABC News was 590,000 for ABC. Would I Lie to You? (186,000) and The Drum (168,000) followed.

On SBS it was Tony Robinson: WWII by Drone (165,000), SBS World News (160,000 / 133,000), Why Buildings Collapse (127,000), Mastermind (87,000) and New York Super Airport (58,000).

Bluey led multichannels of course at 140,000.

In Total TV numbers last Wednesday were:

Big Brother: 724,000
Five Bedrooms: 452,000
Gruen: 903,000
Home & Away: 909,000
MasterChef: 873,000

OzTAM Overnights: Wednesday 29 June 2022

6 Responses

  1. I was nearly going to comment yesterday on how Today seemed to be closing in on Sunrise more consistently now. After many years I find I am watching more of Today show and putting up with Karls silly antics. I do like Ally though. I don’t mean to be rude but for me I just can’t take Nat Barr’s voice and her um err interviewing.

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