
TV debate halted as UK host faints on air

Live UK political debate comes to a halt when the host fainted thirty minutes in.

A British TV debate between the Conservative leadership candidates Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak was halted after the presenter Kate McCann fainted 30 minutes into the debate.

Viewers heard a loud crash, with Truss looking shocked and holding her hands to her face. She began walking towards where McCann had been standing before the video feed was cut.

The debate on Talk TV did not resume.

Talk TV said later that McCann “fainted on air tonight and although she is fine, the medical advice was that we shouldn’t continue with the debate”.

Source: The Guardian

2 Responses

  1. i remember when it happened to one of the panelists on Q&A a few years back and the ‘lady’ sitting beside the guy looked on rather horrified & just shuffled out of his way lol. From memory she was a politician, hmm.

  2. It does happen on the rare occasion. The main thing is that the presenter is okay. Similar incidents also happened on the former Seven current affairs program Today Tonight and other live news crosses. When anything like that happens, it’s good to let the staff rest until they can return. As indicated by the medical advice given.

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