
Magda’s Big National Health Check: Nov 8

This week type two diabetes, health food labelling and a look at ultra-processed foods and sugar addiction.

This week in Magda’s Big National Health Check, Magda learns more about her own health status, and unpacks the frightening reality of how so much of the food we eat is making us sick.

Type Two Diabetes is one of the world’s fastest growing chronic illnesses, with one Australian diagnosed about every 8 minutes.

Magda learns that the commodification of food and the rise of ultra- processed food and snacks are behind Australia’s epidemic of chronic disease. She uncovers how much ultra-processed foods, high in sugar, fat and salt, lurks on our supermarket shops – and the challenges facing Australian households trying to shop healthily.

Magda realises the importance of mandatory and transparent health food labelling and tackles the new Federal Minister for Health and Aged Care about this. She also returns to Mansfield where school children are being supported to eat and cook with unprocessed foods — making long-term sustainable change to their health outcomes.

But Magda also learns that Australian toddlers and babies are growing up addicted to sugar – and uncovers how much sugar is contained in some processed kids’ foods and snacks. Provoked to action, Magda shows Australians how much sugar we consume in our lives.

8:30pm Tuesday on ABC.

2 Responses

  1. As a HCP working full time in diabetes I think this was a fantastic programme. I was pleased to see key opinion leaders in the Australian diabetes scientific community speaking to Magda, and the balanced discussions about cause and effect were fantastic. I hope every Australian with diabetes has a chance to see this programme.

  2. When it was suggested by an unnamed politician who thought it would be a good idea to put a “sugar tax” on soft drinks and the consumer would be the one to bare the brunt of that, the genius obviously didn’t think it is the manufacturers who are the ones producing, making and marketing these products, I believe they are the ones to target then the consumers. Crack downs on manufacturers (because they are the source) I believe should come first with less sugar, salt and food enhancers at the manufacturing stage would go a long way in helping. Some people don’t always bother to read labels unfortunately.

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