
Airdate: War Sailor

In Norewgian drama series, war sailors have one goal: to survive–and to return home.

Norwegian miniseries War Sailor will screen on Netflix in early April.

Alfred Garnes is a working-class sailor, who has recently become the father of a third child. He and his childhood friend Sigbjørn Kvalen (Wally) are working on a merchant ship in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean when World War II breaks out. They are unarmed civilians on the front lines of a war they never asked to join. The two men struggle for survival in a spiral of violence and death, where at any moment German submarines may attack their valuable vessels. The war sailors have one goal: to survive–and to return home.

Meanwhile, Alfred’s wife Cecilia struggles through the war alone in Bergen, raising three children on her own, not knowing whether she will ever see Alfred again. When British aircrafts attempt to bomb the German submarine bunker in Bergen, they instead hit the primary school at Laksevåg and civilian homes at Nøstet, resulting in hundreds of civilian deaths. When the news reaches Alfred and Wally in Canada, they wonder if they have anything left at home to return to.

Sunday April 2 on Netflix.

2 Responses

  1. War Sailor looks to be a good production, it’s interesting that the Europeans’s have recently taken a renewed interest in the war genre (WWI and WWII), and without too much politicking, just keeping the screenplay on historical track. I wonder if the featured U-boat is the former star of Das Boot. Well done Netflix for providing a good mix of stories for their subscribers recently.

  2. Not well known but the major contribution to the Allied cause in WW2 from Norway was via it’s very large mercantile marine that was vital in the transport of goods and equipment across the North Atlantic. They did also give English the word ‘quisling’ though after Vidkun Quisling the collaborationist traitor so it wasn’t all positive though…

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