
Dicko out of the jungle

Even a cynical ol' bugger like Dicko can get moved by a little reality television.

Ian ‘Dicko’ Dickson was voted out of I’m a Celebrity Get me Out of Here last night, ending nearly 20 days in the reality TV camp.

Dicko told hosts Chris & Julia he was surprised at how much he had bonded with strangers and how deeply the time had affected his cynical soul.

After facing skyhigh and viper room challenges, it was the conversations that affected the former Australian Idol judge the most, including regretting his pursuit of work over family time, discussing homophobia with Harry, standing up for Dom post food trial opposite KAK, realising he’s not as young as he used to be and getting tearful around the impact of those infamous words to Paulini.

At least one camp mate will now exit the show every episode up to its finale on Sunday April 30.

One Response

  1. I thought Dicko was more popular so his leaving caught me by surprise. It would be great seeing Debra win but my tip is Liz Ellis, Dom or Pete.

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