
Huge crowd turns to Farnham doco

At 866,000 metro viewers Finding the Voice will likely end up as the doco of the year.

John Farnham: Finding the Voice topped entertainment at 866,000 metro viewers for Seven last night.

At those kind of numbers in Overnights it will likely end up as the doco of the year.

It was well ahead of 7:30 (502,000), Back Roads (455,000), Hunted (451,000) and Rush (239,000).

Later Have You Been Paying Attention? drew 500,000 then Media Watch (386,000) and Four Corners (385,000).

Seven network won Monday with 35.3% then Nine 22.6%, 10 18.9%, ABC 16.5% and a low night for SBS at 6.6%.

Seven News was #1 at 1.04m / 1.02m for Seven. The Chase won with 616,000 / 346,000 then Home & Away (556,000). 911: Lone Star was 229,000 / 124,000.

Nine News (796,000 / 784,000) was best for Nine. A Current Affair led at 662,000 then Hot Seat (393,000 / 251,000). World Aquatics Championships was 204,000 across the network.

The Project pulled 313,000 / 201,000 for 10. 10 News First was 235,000 / 199,000. Just for Laughs Australia scored 180,000.

ABC News managed 586,000. Q+A (216,000) and The Drum (153,000) followed.

On SBS it was SBS World News (142,000 / 105,000), 24 Hours in Emergency (88,000), The Great House Revival (64,000), Robson Green’s Weekend Escapes (57,000) and Mastermind (43,000).

Thomas and Friends led multichannels at 104,000.

Sunrise: 231,000
Today: 196,000
News Breakfast: 103,000 / 48,000

In Total TV numbers last Monday were:

911: Lone Star:  407,000
Have You Been Paying Attention?: 931,000
Hunted: 980,000
Rush: 469,000
Police Rescue Australia: 289,000
Dancing with the Stars: 975,000
Four Corners: 799,000

OzTAM Overnights: Monday 24 July 2023.

18 Responses

  1. Just caught up with the John Farnham doco on 7+ and it was great to watch the program. It was good to see the archival footage of some music acts from the past including ‘Sadie the cleaning lady’ and the Fire Fight Australia with the late ONJ. As well, John Farnham has also have strong ties with musical director Chong Lim.

  2. I loved the John Farnum special. So many memories. I remember the Sadie the Cleaning lady era. It must have been still going in the early 70s, as that is the start of my realm of memory. Only one thing they did miss, was a show “Johnny” did with Collene Hewett. It was circa 1973, on the ABC. As a young kid I really loved this show. But I’ve never heard anything of it, in the 50 years since.

  3. Farnsy has led such a full life….I would venture to say, somewhat difficult to fit it all in one program….but I would sit up all night and watch that, live, if some one did.💖

  4. Gee hunted is holding a good Audience for Ten, look at that increase for last week! Watched the repeat ep today and enjoyed it but it does need a few tweaks like giving the hunters strapped on gopros instead of watching them run around holding a mobile phone.

  5. The incomplete doco on John Farnham 🤷‍♂️
    As much as I loved viewing the doco on Farnham, it was disappointing to see much of his earlier career lost as if it never happened.
    “They even put him in a musical” – in fact he did two very successful musicals. Charlie Girl and then Pippin.
    No mention of the great Ken Brodziak becoming his manager nor Danny Finlay. And where were 3 great female artists who played major parts to his career. Alison Durbin, Colleen Hewitt and Debra Byrne. Where were clips of the great Farnham and Byrne TV Shows? It all seemed a little too Wheatley-centric. But the show was endearing because dear John has always been that. ❤️

      1. Charlie Girl ran for something like five years in the UK, Aus and NZ with Farnham and Anna Neagle in it all the way through. Fives years and a massive success like that should have got a mention and at least an interview with some surviving cast members.

  6. Just on the topic of Breakfast television, I am finding the overkill of orange on Sunrise to be off-putting and I don’t like the new font. That said, I commented last week about Robert Irwin’s spectacular reporting skills. I want to add that Liam Tapper is a fantastic allrounder. He has a fine microphone technique and his reporting skills is that of someone more senior. It’s not hard to see why this is one of very few reasons that Seven News is racking in the viewership. It doesn’t just come down to the content, but also the quality of the journalists.

  7. Genuinely surprised that Nine have kept Rush on their main channel and in the same timeslot all season despite the low ratings (event by 2023 standards.) Whilst not on last night the similar retention by Seven of Million Dollar Island is also questionable.

    Have we reached a new era now where shows simply cannot be cancelled because there is no affordable Plan B?

    It seems like a self-destructive approach to me.

    1. There were plan B’s. Travel guides reruns as has been suggested. Big Brother has been sitting on the shelf for months. With Ashes, Origin, soccer etc I think they didn’t want to launch anything ‘big’ that would be interrupted often.

  8. I am really enjoying this season of Hunted, I’m glad it hasn’t been drawn out or extended after being such a hit last year. And to see it beat DWTS in total tv is a great thing.

  9. The only thing disappointing about the John Farnham doco (other than the amount of ads) is that over the end credits they played a promo for “The Voice”…I would have preferred to hear John singing.

    As for “Hunted” I watched the first 20 minutes or so online just to see how Ben and Callum’s surprise capture was received by the hunters, Hunter HQ and the two guys…it was one of the more entertaining sequences so far this season.

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