Who The Bloody Hell Are We?: July 26
Cal Wilson finds out how Kiwis like her fit into Australia’s national story.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under Programming
This week on Who The Bloody Hell Are We?, Cal Wilson explores stories of New Zealand-Australian history that have been overlooked, ignored, or forgotten.
After 20 years living it up in Australia, comedian Cal Wilson leaps off the couch and embarks on a journey to find out how Kiwis like her fit into Australia’s national story. It’s a quest that takes Cal from the Māori seafarers who formed one of Sydney’s first expat communities to the no-nonsense Kiwi engineer who some say unintentionally gave birth to multicultural Australia. Along the way, she discovers that Australia has something of a blind spot when it comes to New Zealanders, tries hard not to mention the Underarm Bowling Incident, and plunges a dagger into the hearts of generations of Australian children who grew up loving Blinky Bill.
7:30pm Wednesday on SBS.
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