
Who The Bloody Hell Are We?: July 26

Cal Wilson finds out how Kiwis like her fit into Australia’s national story.

This week on Who The Bloody Hell Are We?, Cal Wilson explores stories of New Zealand-Australian history that have been overlooked, ignored, or forgotten.

After 20 years living it up in Australia, comedian Cal Wilson leaps off the couch and embarks on a journey to find out how Kiwis like her fit into Australia’s national story. It’s a quest that takes Cal from the Māori seafarers who formed one of Sydney’s first expat communities to the no-nonsense Kiwi engineer who some say unintentionally gave birth to multicultural Australia. Along the way, she discovers that Australia has something of a blind spot when it comes to New Zealanders, tries hard not to mention the Underarm Bowling Incident, and plunges a dagger into the hearts of generations of Australian children who grew up loving Blinky Bill.

7:30pm Wednesday on SBS.

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