
Brownlow Medal dominates big Seven win on Monday

Win by Brisbane Lions' Lachie Neale was a victory for Seven. ACA and Australian Story also deliver.

The Brownlow Medal was a big winner for Seven last night, dominating all viewing.

The win by Brisbane Lions’ Lachie Neale drew 905,000 metro viewers -516,000 of whom were in Melbourne.

They were bigger numbers than 2022 when it screened on a Sunday to 841,000 and the best since 2017.

It also topped the demos and multichannels and delivered a huge share to Seven.

Meanwhile The Block was 628,000 then Australian Story high at 505,000, 7:30 (461,000) and The Masked Singer (459,000).

Later Have You Been Paying Attention? was 472,000 then Four Corners (390,000), Media Watch (382,000).

Seven Network easily won Monday with 41.2% then Nine 23.6%, 10 15.4%, ABC 14.8% and SBS 5.1%.

Seven News was #1 at 943,000 / 936,000 then The Chase (544,000 / 327,000). Home & Away was 378,000 due to some playout on multichannels. MKR screened in two cities to 190,000.

Nine News (792,000 / 763,000) was best for Nine. A Current Affair was high at 763,000 then Hot Seat (404,000 / 260,000). Russell Brand: In Plain Sight screened to 188,000 without any fanfare.

The Project drew 298,000 / 190,000. 10 News First was 208,000 / 156,000. Inspired Unemployed (Impractical) Jokers managed 125,000.

ABC News pulled 591,000. Q+A (183,000) and The Drum (138,000) followed.

On SBS it was tough with SBS World News (127,000 / 92,000), Finding Your Roots (91,000), Britain’s Most Expensive Houses (53,000),  Mastermind (43,000), World’s Most Luxurious Holidays (35,000).

Sunrise: 204,000
Today: 175,000
News Breakfast: 83,000 / 50,000

In Total TV numbers last Monday were:
The Rookie: 491,000
The Block: 1.26m
MKR: 1.02m
Have You Been Paying Attention?: 965,000
The Masked Singer Reveal: 925,000
Media Watch: 740,000
Australian Story: 925,000

OzTAM Overnights: Monday 25 September 2023

11 Responses

  1. The Summer Warne reveal on Masked Singer makes a joke of the show. The whole aim of the game is to use the clues to guess the celebrity and as far as I know Summer hasn’t appeared in any capacity as a celebrity anywhere. Most of the clues related to facts about her father, and they few that were actually about her were dumb things like getting “bashed” by online trolls. Who doesn’t that refer to? It’s not much of a game but at least in theory if you get some random off MAFS, at least they vaguely meet the bar of celebrity.

    1. I had similar concerns. I don’t feel she qualified as celebrity either. But then there was once a clue for a cricketer who passed Kylie Minogue in a hotel corridor. How are viewers supposed to know that, I don’t think it was ever reported anywhere. Clues need to be in the public domain.

  2. Brownlow drags much too long. Well done Lachie! I was right about Lehmo taking Glenn Robbins place on HYBPA. It’s time for rage to have a Silverchair special.

  3. Australian Story two parter were great episodes. I didn’t know much about the band, but found both eps compelling. Q&A only 45 thousand viewers more than The Drum is pretty woeful. They really need to do something to refresh it.

      1. They need to be more nimble than that, DK. Revolving door of hosts and timeslot shift some time back is not working. But it is such an important concept. Monday Conference, Couchman, Hypotheticals etc. I fervently hope you are incorrect and it does return.

        1. Regards a revolving door of host….the show might improve if they found a host who did not use the show for their own agenda…who knows how to mediate without being rude by cutting people off or talking over the top of the guests and audience members…(I gave up watching because of the current and previous presenter)..the ABC should take more measures to stop the toxic comments, rubbish and irrelevant comments people post on the live chat as well…it just pathetic and a reflection on them.

          1. I’d say only Tony Jones in the early years of Q&A adhered to the balance and true moderation of the audience and guests. Even he strayed from that and began using it more for follow up q’s and gotcha moments rather than staying with those emanating from the studio audience. Even the hosts I personally liked, do it too. Somehow I can stomach it if I like them, but the show has lost its way.

    1. I agree about the Australian Story two parter. Being born in the mid 90’s, I never really knew their story and these episodes have also got me streaming some of their earlier works.

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