
ACS: The Investigators: Nov 27

This week,Detective Peter Seymour was unsure if he was investigating with the world's unluckiest husband or a serial wife killer.

Tonight on ACS: The Investigators, two women, both married to the same man, died in suspicious circumstances.

ACS uncovers one of the most bizarre murder investigations in Australia’s history. Two women die in suspicious circumstances: coincidence or as their husband Thomas Keir describes it, just bad luck! Three years after Keir alleged his first wife, Jean, deserted him and their young son for another man, his second wife, Rosalina was found burning in their home, strangled on her bed. Arriving on the scene, Detective Peter Seymour was unsure if he was investigating with the world’s unluckiest husband or a serial wife killer.

While Keir was eventually found ‘not guilty’ of Rosalina murder, her death unlocked the mystery of Jeans disappearance. A subsequent police investigation lead to the discovery of seven small fragments of Jean’s bones – fingers, knuckles, and toes – buried deep under the same house in which Rosalina died. Keir’s ‘grieving husband’ act was suddenly in question.

We follow Peter’s relentless pursuit of justice, and his own family sacrifices, through the drama of the police investigation into Jean’s death, and the three trials, convictions, and appeals that would take fifteen years to reach their final conclusion.

8:40pm tonight on Nine.

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