★★★★★ 0/5
Axed: Quantum Leap
Sci-fi series with Raymond Lee ends at two seasons.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under News
US sci-fi series Quantum Leap is ending at two seasons.
The original series aired from 1989-93, and starred Scott Bakula and Dean Stockwell.
The new version saw Raymond Lee as physicist Dr. Ben Song, whose attempt to restart the Quantum Leap project pioneered by Dr. Sam Beckett leads to him being trapped in different people’s lives in the past.
The cast also included Ernie Hudson, Caitlin Bassett, Mason Alexander Park and Nanrisa Lee.
Season Two is currently screening in Australia on Seven.
Source: Deadline
- Tagged with Quantum Leap
10 Responses
Yeah yeah big cheers another useless reboot bites the dust
I wish they had time to plan a proper ending coz as it is, QL2.0 has done a reasonable – not great, but not bad – job at bringing the story forward. But if it ends on a cliff hangar, that will be as big a crime as the travesty as the godawful last episode of the original that rivals Dexter as being one of the worst show endings of all time. Maybe a real life Quantum Leap will one day “strive to put right what once went wrong” and redo both finales.
I found the ending to the original very satisfying. Maybe I’m remembering it through rose-coloured glasses, though (since it’s over 30 years since I watched it).
That’s a shame, another show I enjoyed is gone too soon
I haven’t found that any of the changes they have introduced for S2 have made it more interesting or improved it. I much preferred the original series. It was just an excuse to explore 3 decades of US culture and history but every episode was mostly about a situation, characters with depth and plot. It wasn’t all action adventure with Sam having to figure things out and try things. Al was mostly there to give Sam someone to talk to, and nudge the plot a bit. The reboot has been mostly about the project and Ben jumps into a situation where they know just about everything, and he completes one prescribed taks and leaves.
Oh no that’s a shame as I’ve been really enjoying season 2, some interesting and well told leaps. Hopefully it comes to some kind of resolution and not left on a cliffhanger.
I wouldn’t hold my breath AndrewsTv, American showrunners always think positive and develop formulaic screenplays for an extended run of their show, creating sudden conclusions can be disappointing especially in sci-fi shows. Having said that the revival of classic TV serials from the 1980’s and 90’s can clash with contemporary social mores, older fans of these 80’s – 90’s shows will find difficulty conforming to the new reality being presented.
An example of this would be the classic 1970’s British Euston Films series The Sweeney, updating this cult show would ruin the creative popularity of the original, there is only one Detective Inspector Jack Regan and Detective Sergeant George Carter.
So true, just looked it up and appears ends on another cliffhanger. I never saw the original series so couldn’t compare, maybe I will have to search for who has the original series on streaming.
The original was brilliant and was given a proper ending. I didn’t realise that Season 2 was airing on 7 at the moment, so will need to play catch-up. I loved what they did with Season 1. It’s a shame that it doesn’t sound like there will be a proper resolution to the long-running story arc, though.
The Sweeny had two TVMs though they were shot before the end of the final season and were standalone. The TV show had a good ending Reagan was falsely accused of corruption, exonerated and then quit.
And 2012 Movie that was terrible.