
Returning: The Responder

Powerhouse police drama with Martin Freeman returns for a second season.

Season Two of The Responder starring Martin Freeman, begins on SBS next week.

It also features Adelayo Adedayo, Emily Fairn, and Josh Finan.

Written by Tony Schumacher.

Chris Carson is trying to go straight, but when DCI Barnes asks him for a favour, he crosses one of Liverpool’s top drug dealers and starts to fall back into bad old ways.

Season Two, Episode One:
Chris is trying to get better, but when DCI Barnes tricks him into doing a dodgy car stop, he is drawn into a drug-war between two of Liverpool’s top dealers.

Thursday 30 May at 9.50pm on SBS.

Language, violence.

6 Responses

    1. 2 years not that unusual for a UK series featuring a popular actor, they don’t sign to for multi-season contracts as they like to keep their options open. S2 started in the UK 3 week ago and it seemed likely it would replace Blue Lights, though I was hoping it wouldn’t keep the 9:50pm that Blue Lights was pushed back to.

      1. hmm ok…i’ve never watched blue lights…but by reading it seems sorta similar..maybe if i like responder might like it too?of the two shows,which do you prefer pertinax,or you got maybe a third option?i’m more a nordic noir guy but some of this brit stuff is pretty gritty and entertaining.

        1. I prefer The Responder. It was very intense piece of story telling with a stand-out performance by Freeman. The Scouse accents are very thick and fast, befitting Central Liverpool. I coped with that by watching it first following the subtitles, then sitting back and enjoying the performances and action a few days later without them. I have never had to do that before with UK regional accents. Blue Lights is fairly standard rookie training story with an ensemble cast of Belfast and few English actors. So you start off with Rookies screwing up and getting some sage advice from the old hands. Being set in Belfast, the Police are still regarded as an occupying force by an uncooperative and hostile Catholic community. In S2 they are out patrolling a loyalist area that is under new management. The Thin Blue Line was a similar Swedish show about rookies patrolling the immigrant community in Malmo. SBS only showed 1 season of that.

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