
Ladies in Black: June 23

As the ladies contend with the fall-out from secrets and lies, will they find support and strength in each other?

This week on Ladies in Black

Angela Mansour (Azizi Donnelly) has got herself into trouble. Claiming to be part of an established retailing family seemed a perfect cover for stealing the look-book of Goodes upcoming designs. Her performance was too good. Goodes offered her a dream job in fashion. Now she must clean up her mess, return the book and hope no-one ever discovers her real family business is selling knock-off Goodes designs.

Lisa (Clare Hughes) is much too pre-occupied with her ‘lost’ night in the bed of her dream man Richard (Tom Wilson). If only she could remember what happened. Having been unintentionally humiliated by Angela, Lisa resists her overtures of friendship, even though a confidante is exactly what she most needs.

Magda (Debi Mazar) and Mrs Ambrose (Miranda Otto) battle over hierarchy, customers and the direction of Goodes. Mrs Ambrose recruits allies and makes herself indispensable to the senior executives of Goodes. While Magda is distracted by Stefan’s (Russell Dykstra) shocking revelation that George (Carlos Sanson Jr), his long-hidden son by a previous marriage, is now in Sydney.

Fay (Jessica De Gouw) must tell Rudi (Thom Green) about her decision to go on the pill, but their discussion is forestalled by Stefan’s arrival with his newly revealed son, George. He needs his friends to give George a home until things settle with Magda. Deeply indebted Fay and Rudi agree. The emotional challenge of Fay’s home-life is exacerbated by the return of Marlow, a ghost from her past who seems hell-bent on inserting himself into her life again.

As the ladies in black contend with the fall-out from secrets and lies, will they find support and strength in each other, or will the tensions caused by sudden revelations push them apart?

8:30pm Sunday June 23 on ABC.

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