
Mildura Digital Television to hand back licence to ACMA

When it switches off 10 signal soon, some 63,000 will be forced to watch favourite shows on 10Play.

Mildura Digital TV has launched a television commercial advising audiences that the 10 broadcast signal is closing down effective midnight June 30, 2024.

The commercial will run all month, advising people that they will need to watch 10 content through the 10Play app thereafter.

A series of FAQs also outlines that the channel has run at a loss since its inception in 2006 and the licence will be handed back to the Australian Communications and Media Authority -a very rare outcome in the broadcast landscape.

Chris Halios-Lewis, Chairman, Mildura Digital Television, said: “It is unfortunate that we have got to this point, but we want Mildura TV audiences to be prepared come midnight June 30.

“We don’t want people to be caught out or for it to come as a surprise, that is why we are running a public awareness campaign.

“The TV commercials running on channels 50, 51 and 52 are to remind people that the close down is coming and what they will need to do if they want to continue watching TEN content.”

The following FAQs have been posted at wintv.com.au/page/mildura-10-closure

Who is Mildura Television (MDT)?

Mildura Digital Television (MDT) is jointly owned by WIN and Seven Network. It went to air on 1 January 2006 and most recently broadcasts the Channel 10 signal into the Mildura licence area.

The Mildura Market is serviced by Seven which carries the Seven Signal, WIN which carries the Nine Signal and Mildura Digital Television, which is a joint venture between Seven and WIN which carries the TEN signal.

For its entire history it has run at a loss and WIN and Seven have taken the decision to wind it up as it does not make commercial sense to carry the TEN signal at a loss.

Q: Where can I watch Network 10 content?
A: Audiences who want to watch TEN content can download the 10 Play App or go to www.tenplay.com.au.

Q: Does MDT only carry Channel 10, or also the other Network 10 channels?
A: It carries all the Network 10 channels.

Q: How many viewers will be affected?
A: The Mildura/Sunraysia licence area reaches a population 63,000.

Q: Will I have to use my data allowance to stream 10play?
A: Streaming requires internet connection and a broadband package with a telecommunications retail service provider. The cost will depend on the broadband package you have with your provider.

Q: When will the signal be shut off?
A: The Channel 10 signal broadcast by MDT will shut down on June 30, 2024 at midnight.

Q: Why is Channel 10 Mildura shutting down?
A: Over its entire history it has been unprofitable and it no longer makes commercial sense to carry a signal that is making a loss. Over its period of operation it has carried the Nine and Ten signals.

Q: How long has it been unprofitable?
A: Since its inception.

Q: How many people will lose their jobs as a result of this closure?
A: None.

Q: Did WIN and Seven seek government assistance to keep MDT going?
A: Yes, we sought assistance form the Federal Government.

Q: Doesn’t MDT have a legal obligation to keep broadcasting?
A: No, we are handing back the licence.

Q: Doesn’t MDT have a community obligation to keep broadcasting?
A: While no one likes to see services decline in regional Australia, it does not make commercial sense to subsidise a signal which is not making any money.

Q: Will Seven and Nine continue to be seen in Mildura?
A: Yes, they will continue to be broadcast as normal.

Q: What will happen to the licence MDT holds?
A: It will be given back to the regulator the Australian and Communication Media Authority (ACMA).

30 Responses

    1. Government legislation would have to change to allow a third commercial licence to enter the Mildura market & with SCA In the midst of takeover talks why would they want to buy a licence which isn’t going to make them money.

      1. SCA already sell the ads on the channel. I can only imagine that if they wanted to have a go at making the whole operation profitable, WIN and Seven would have happily sub-licenced the rest of the operation to them.

  1. So will they have to pay a penalty for handing back the licence? Seems an oversight not to link the other two licences to them acting in the public interest and covering the third licence too, though of course it’s very convenient of Ten to let 7 and Win take the blame for Ten being unavailable

  2. What is going to happen to telecasts of the Australian MotoGP in October and the Australian F1 GP next March? Either one of WIN or Seven would have to break normal programming (AFL on free-to-air does not clash with the Australian F1 GP) to show these events because they are 10’s only sports on the anti-siphoning list. I’m sure WIN/Seven would jump at the chance to show them as these events attract lots of national advertisers and they would make a bigger profit out of it. Had it not been for Foxtel/Kayo I’m sure the Mildura locals would protest on Langtree Avenue if there is no Australian GP coverage.

  3. Very sad day for Sunraysia residents living in the region who won’t see 10 programs from July 1 onwards. There will be other ramifications with general programming and sports in the future.

  4. If this had happened afew years back, before the affiliation swap (back), it is entirely possible that we could be losing the Channel Nine signal, as it was MDT broadcasting Nine into Mildura. But that would never happen as Mildura has always had (firstly , VIC TV, then WIN) that has always been associated and affiliated mostly with Nine. Apart from a few years where they could “cherry pick” (but they mostly chose not to.). Back when Ten had football rights, WIN Mildura would reluctantly have to show the Saturday night football with a huge and disgustingly oversized Win watermark to remove and sign that it was a Ten Broadcast (save for the onscreen graphics). I for one will miss it, in my house we still record HYBPA, Cheap Seats and afew other programs but now will have to resort to the unreliable app and be forced to sit through repetitive ads. A sad day.

  5. This Is stupid of WIN and Seven just as the matildas are making money for 10/Paramount, they shut it down.

    David, Will WA should start preparing for closing since Win and Seven also own 10 West Digital Television?

    1. “just as the matildas are making money for 10/Paramount” which has nothing to do with the Mildura 7/WIN channel. It’s unlikely10 West Digital will be affected. It covers all of regional WA.

        1. The 10 network has no Interest In buying regional licences & they have been In financial trouble for years they may cease to exist In a decade.

      1. WA (and SA and Griffith) should prepare if afr.com/companies/media-and-marketing/beginning-of-the-end-of-country-free-tv-as-ten-goes-dark-in-mildura-20240508-p5gp0u is accurate.

  6. Sports rights are another big question for Mildura. Imagine if matches like last night’s Matildas game doesn’t get a free to air broadcast in certain markets…

  7. Not a Mildura resident but spent most of last week in the area for work purposes.

    It is notable that the area encompassed by the transmission region includes the large town itself and surrounding communities (Wentworth, Merbein, Buronga and a few others) where I found both the fixed broadband and wifi access to be pretty good.

    The real problem is going to be for the vast area surrounding these primary communities encompassing places like Robinvale, Ouyen, Walpeup and others where the internet is very poor. I went out to a few farm properties where they are still limited to dial up with advice received ‘there are no plans to upgrade in your area.’

    It looks like this will be the first of many regional network closures, in the very areas where there are no options for accessing streaming (and, as stated, where there never will be a higher level of internet access.)

  8. The Federal Government and ACMA have been quiet on the impending closure of MDT since the announcement was made nearly a month ago. Surely they can offer Mildura and Sunraysia region residents alternatives (e.g. VAST) to allow them to watch 10 on the air past June 30. I reckon this issue will have some implications for the next federal election as well.

    1. There silence is breathtaking to say the least Miludra & Griffith have around the same population In their TV markets but WIN own all stations In the Griffith, In markets where they own all stations It will be Interesting to see If they close down a service In this market. The ACMA could test the market & try & re-allocate the licence or they will simply desolve the licence I really can’t see a third player wanting to enter these markets.

  9. Do we know if the main costs are the fee for carrying Ten or just licence fees? Surely either 7 or WIN could step in and at least fit the Ten primary channel within their existing spectrum.

  10. At least they are honest in their communications. If the licence is handed back, and Ten still want to service the area, then they can purchase the licence themselves

    1. This is my thought too. Seven bought Prime’s regional channels, for a fair sum of money IIRC. If Ten want to broadcast in Mildura, surely Paramount can fork out some cash rather than asking for hands out from the government.

    1. Not necessarily. About 20 years ago, I lived in an area where there was no 9 signal or programs, only 7 and 10, known on air as ‘Central GTS/BKN’ and ‘SC10’. Applied for access to the ‘Imparja’ (9 affiliate) channel via VAST, known as Optus Aurora back then, but was denied because I lived in a terrestrial commercial license area, even though there was no 9 signal.

      1. When I first moved to Ouyen we had no transmitters & people would just use tall antennas to get their TV, I went onto Optus Aurora & just said I lived down the road at Covangie which is about 100kms west of Ouyen they didn’t even ask for a proof of address.

        1. Looking at the remote central & eastern Australian TV licence area map, much of the Mildura region is actually included In its coverage area.

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