
Report: Jobs to go at Seven

Up to 150 positions expected to be made redundant at Seven West Media tomorrow.

Seven West Media will cull up to 150 jobs across its business on Tuesday, according to media reports.

Nine-owned The Age reports CEO Jeff Howard will on Tuesday inform staff of the cuts expected to impact television and print divisions, sales and marketing staff, and printing staff.

Last week, Howard told a parliamentary inquiry into social media that the network would need to find cost efficiencies should the revenue from its commercial arrangement with Meta dries up this year.

Seven has already begun a number of staff changes and appointments in its News division under recently-installed dept boss Anthony de Ceglie.

2 Responses

  1. As much as I despise Meta, Seven blaming them for the demise of legacy media is laughable. The old guard’s sinking ship is entirely their own doing.

  2. As someone who was made redundant by Seven in 2018 – it’s just so embarrassing to see this company constantly throw lower tier workers out with the trash – while higher ups spend millions on affairs with mistresses, pointless defamation lawsuits, drugs and prostitutes seem to keep their million dollar pay packets.

    Further – to see the horrific quality programming they trudge out and pretend to be original and worth watching.

    To those 150 staff – I really hope they get treated better than me and my colleagues did – and land on their feet.

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