
The Block: Phillip Island: promo

First look at The Block's next season, with a bunch of island movie references.

Channelling a little bit of Six Days, Seven Nights, Baywatch, Castaway and possibly Kong Island, Nine has released its promo for The Block‘s upcoming season on Phillip Island.

The promo sees Scott Cam and Shelley Craft landing a sea plane on the beach, Harrison Ford & Anne Heche style.

Darren Palmer is seen doing his best David Hasselhoff (and why not?) with Dan Reilly borrowing from Tom Hanks. Marty Fox and Shaynna Blaze peer through the palm trees (via a studio perhaps) with new contestants emerging from the waves.

No Gilligan’s Island gags?

Bizarrely, the promo also refers to going “tropical.” That’s a big no.

The series is due after the Olympics.


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