★★★★★ 0/5
Max Gillies on House Husbands
Great to see Max Gillies in a dramatic role coming up on the next episode of House Husbands.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under Programming
Great to see Max Gillies in a dramatic role coming up on the next episode of House Husbands.
Gillies plays the father to Kane (Gyton Grantley) and (Abi) Natalie Sabeela, but not everyone sees eye to eye on everything.
Next Sunday is probably the strongest episode so far, as the show begins to settle into a groove.
- Tagged with House Husbands
7 Responses
Looking forward to seeing Max Gillies on the show. Also hoping the Kane & Tom storyline starts to develop, it has hardly been shown at all yet.
Yes more in ep 3.
I’ll give it one more shot but so far HH hasn’t grabbed me
I remember The Gillies Report was ‘must watch’ TV in our household back when I was a kid.
Loving House Husbands, and am looking forward to seeing Max on telly again.
Just read through a raft of comments re HH and the view is quite positive. Certainly picking up audience as it goes along. One laugh I had though were some appealing to the network….please..this is HH..must we have so many feminine hygiene product ads! And as usual for 9, start times.
@ D@GP… agreed. I think the same re actors like Jeremy Brett (sadly passed away) who was a sublime Sherlock and if you watch his series you will see the stories Brett tells via facial expressions…just small muscle shifts. Marvelous.
For the young, aspiring actor – observe closely how this guy uses his eyes – Max is the only actor I’ve seen who can convey so much expression through his eyes alone.
Great to have him back on the box…