
TV Lounge

UPDATE: October 2007: The second TV Lounge will now replace the first which is archived here.

The TV Lounge is an open forum for you to add comments or ask questions on topics that you can’t see anywhere else on the site.

So if there’s something you’ve been meaning to get off your chest, or there’s a question that doesn’t seem to fit anywhere else, or comments on the site…. here is where it goes!

Comments policy: Keep it nice people. There’s nothing worse than a site where people anonymously sledge off others. I’m moderating the site still so comments may not appear immediately. If you cross a line that is defamatory I may opt not to approve it. Know that I can only approve or reject comments, I can’t edit. Please also refrain from promoting websites that aren’t TV related and contain spoilers.

Other than that, pull up a beanbag, lay back and fire away!

This section will delete earlier comments as a way of housekeeping.

108 Responses

  1. Wamdue, unlike the UK which names its channels in numerical order, in Australia the channel numbers actually reflect the physical channel that they broadcast on in the capital cities, ie. “Seven” broadcasts on the channel 7 frequency, “Nine” on 9, “Ten” on 10. There are variations in regional areas and smaller capital cities, but now the channel ‘names’ are so entrenched that in a lot of areas particularly in regionals areas the physical channel does not match the channel name.

  2. David, ive never had a person to ask this before.

    being in the UK, and loving my aussie TV (Neighbours & Chasers) and for a long time UK TV, was basically 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5, why is it your channels start at 7, skip 8 then 9 & 10?

  3. Seen a lot of ads lately for Showtime’s new channel, Showcase – what does everyone think of it…? There see to be a couple of shows worth a look but apparently they’re going to repeat the death out of everything (liek 8 times a week)…and a lot of it is just Foxtel’s other series being shown again

  4. I notice that with Californication finishing that Law and Order is back AGAIN on Monday nights. Does this mean The Office has been shelved before the end of the season’s full run?

  5. Hi David,

    This is a bit of a stretch but have you heard anything about CBS’s newish sitcom The Big Bang Theory and if/when it will screen in Australia? In a recent trip to the US I went to the filming of an episode and am eager to see it!!


  6. Is it any wonder that so many people are turning to (arguably) illegal downloads of TV shows with the way Australian commercial TV programmers treat viewers? Smallville lasted a whole 3 or 4 weeks before disappearing into the ether again – no reason, no explanation, just gone. Channel Nine’s efforts with the CSI franchise aren’t a whole lot better – here again, gone again, back again – anyone trying to keep continuity with plot lines is wasting their time. Are these people idiots, or do they really think we are?

  7. Hiya David!

    Another question… sorry…

    Do TV1 finally (after many years) have the rights to season 7 of Sabrina, The Teenage Witch?

    I love this show and would love to know.. *fingers cross*

    thankyou 🙂

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