
TV Lounge

The TV Lounge is an open forum for you to add comments or ask questions on topics that you can’t see anywhere else on the site. The previous TV Lounge is archived here.

So if there’s something you’ve been meaning to get off your chest, or there’s a question that doesn’t seem to fit anywhere else, or comments on the site…. here is where it goes!

Keep it nice people. Comments policy.

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67 Responses

  1. Nine advises it still has some new eps, but doesn’t rule out repeats either. Given it wasn’t in Nine’s 08 slate seems the show is effectively over. No eps currently scheduled.

  2. Local content is a govt requirement controlled by the Aust Media & Comm Authority that requires the three commercial networks, and drama channels at Pay TV, to meet minimum hours of shows with local content. They must be prime time and first-run. it is a way of ensuring Aussies see new Aussie scripted drama / comedy.

    Sorry Leo no times on those yet (despite one media outlet telling us the Kylie Show was to air in Dec). There is a Kylie Max Masters doco on X coming Jan Tue Jan 15 Max Channel.

  3. Hi David
    Do you know when Foxtel are screening the following shows –
    The Kylie Show
    Jool’s Holland 2007 New Years Eve Special (feat Kylie Minogue & Paul McCartney)
    Audience With Celine Dion (Dec 2007)
    Audience With Westlife Late 2007)
    Thanks David!

  4. David, I read somewhere in 2007that the show ‘THE VIEW’ is going to be shown on free to air. True or false. Are any TV station is going to do. I used to have pay tv but its very expensive and not worth it the money.

  5. There’s a bit more if you google Tatia’s name. A stop motion animated feature that weaves together stories from the residents of a Sydney apartment block and offers slightly less than ten dollars worth of wisdom about the meaning of life.

  6. Thanks, yes I saw it there. Thought you may have heard or seen more, I googled it but nothing more, thanks will keep my eye on it.

  7. Thanks you too. It’s a film by by Tatia Rosenthal, rather than TV. Described as “a stop-motion animated feature-film project, which gives less than ten bucks worth of insight into the human condition.” It’s on IMDb.

  8. Hi David, Happy New Year!

    What info have you got on the new show $9.99?

    Is it a movie or Drama? I have some idea…looks like a Secret Life style show set in Sydney.

    What more can you provide info on?


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