
Dancing with the crazy ideas

It must be the silly season.

Why else would Hugh Jackman’s name be sitting on a wish list to host Dancing with the Stars?

That’s according to the Daily Telegraph anyway. It says Seven execs are excited by word that our Hugh wants to spend more time in Oz.

As it also points out hosting the show would be curious move given judge Todd McKenney originally played ‘The Boy from Oz’ role.

It doesn’t mention how ludicrous the idea is. Sure it would be a fantastic coup. Daryl cast in Wolverine would be a better one.

4 Responses

  1. Why would a man of his status even consider hosting such a pathetic excuse for a show?

    He can host or star in any damn Aussie show he wants.

    Ironically enough, if he did take the job, he’d be the ONLY star to have ever appeared on the show. 😐

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