
Survivor back to Micronesia

Following the US finale of Survivor: China, the reality juggernaut is turning back to familiar territory for ideas.

The 16th season will be set in Micronesia, specifically Palau, where it has been filmed before.

It will be a “Fans vs Favourites” series, making up half the cast of former contestants and another half from “die-hard fans” eager to try their skills.

But the new series will kick off in February, which may make any chance of being screened by Nine as slim. The China series is being screened by Nine on Saturday nights, but ratings are predictably mediocre -no surprise given the delay and the day it has been scheduled.

No spoilers please!

8 Responses

  1. So funny now reading 9 year old posts – I didn’t know about TVT back then – discovered in Sept 2008! China was the first Survivor I watched and have been hooked ever since – despite putting up with erratic schedules in the past and 2009/2010 where GO! showed 3 or 4 seasons at a rate of 5 eps a week!

  2. Peta I’ve said its slim based on their conduct of the current series and the figures its getting. Maybe it will move to Nine HD if it launches in March?

  3. David, when you say that it probably won’t be screened by Channel Nine, do you mean at the same time as it is in the US or at all?

    It totally sucks that Nine makes us wait for it, but as long as it will definitely be shown, then I can deal with it. But if we’re not going to be getting it at all then I’ll be devastated!

    I agree that if Nine can’t devote to Survivor then they should sell it to another channel. I feel that way about most shows on Nine though (especially Gilmore Girls!), so that’s nothing new.

    I’m loving the China season though, even if I do already know everything that’s happened, including who won.

  4. If Ch9 can’t devote to this series then sell it to another channel who would treat it with more respect!

    By golly, they better show the new upcoming season. I missed the last one since it was on at 10:30pm and no captioning so I decided it was not worth it – im watching the current season and it should be shown in double doses!

    gggrrrrr – im really starting to hate ch9!!!!

  5. Just watched Survivor China final, decided I would download it because of the uncertainty of Nine showing it!

    Make sure you keep us posted on channel Nines plans for showing series 16, so I can decide whether to download or wait.

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