
9021-0h dear. TEN drops teen soap.

Another show disappears in a puff of smoke to return "later in the year," network speak for out of ratings.

Less than a week after dropping Taken Out from its schedule, Channel TEN has now yanked 90210, including plans to slate the show on Friday nights from next week.

Only five of the episodes have aired.

The show started in Australia with a double episode attracting 837,000 and 666,000 in early September. This week it averaged 616,000.

TEN had already announced a move it to Friday nights from next week, replacing it with Supernatural, but that now won’t happen. TEN maintains that it still believes in the show and it will return later in the year.

In the US, the show had a strong launch as the highest rated series premiere ever for the CW Network in the 18-49 demographic. Within three weeks it won a full series, the first of the new Fall season. As a fasttracked series, TEN had not been able to preview the drama before scheduling it -one of the downsides of fasttracking.

After its US premiere, TEN’s David Mott said, “Rarely do you have a show with such great global buzz and we’re confident come Tuesday morning we’ll be crowing our own rating victory.”

TEN will air a movie, The Bourne Supremacy at 8:30pm on Friday October 10 and United 93 October 17th.

76 Responses

  1. Hey David, are you working for TV.com now? Because the same story (with a few altercations) appeared on the new regionalized version of the site, with your name in the by-line.

  2. This is crap, it is such good show, and i look forward to my monday nights to watch it. It just shows, that channel 7 have all the good soapies like ugly betty, greys and private practice. Chanenl 10 screws it up all the time – last time with one tree hill.

  3. Oh 🙁 I was quite enjoying this. At the same time I knew it wouldn’t last long. When a network doesn’t want to send out a preview you know something is amiss!

    re Anon Female – why would you come onto a tv website and criticise its readers for watching ‘too much tv’ ? The people here obviously enjoy tv on a different level than you, not everyone wants or needs to join a sporting team!!

    PS Love the site Dave!

  4. I think if there is only one network which can’t afford to annoy fans it is ten, as they target younger audiences who know how to use torrents and the internet to get their shows. Although the younger skewed shows that get screwed around by all of them will eventually get lower ratings. Seven and nine target slightly older audiences, but the older they target, the less revenue they will get. I guarantee idol on ten makes a lot more than dancing with the stars on a sunday night, with roughly the same figures. So the more younger people they annoy, the less money they will make, and the ratings appear evidence of that (unfortunately not for 2 1/2 men…..yet).

  5. I’m not in love with the show, but I have been watching it.

    These sort of moves are what drives people to downloading. Ten probably don’t care if people download the rest of the season of 90210, but why should I trust them not to do the same for Californication and the other shows I am watching fast tracked.

  6. Of course Ron is right, TV is about ratings, but where Channel 10 keeps screwing up is by hyping up a show so much, then putting in on for one episode, then swapping shows and times around like ‘musical chairs’ as someone said. How can they possibly expect to build up a fan base if they can’t provide any consistency for the viewer? They just alienate viewers by taking off shows that some people really like, without ever giving them a run.

    They also throw people out with their wacked out time slots, e.g. Idol going for 70 minutes instead of 60, which means some viewers who tune in to shows that on every other network would start at a ‘normal time’ of 8:30pm, actually start at 8:40 on Ten, so i’m betting in the 10 minutes of confusion, heaps of people have assumed their show isn’t on and swapped channels. Ten just needs to give shows a bit of a chance and stop swapping them around and yanking them off or they’re never going to win over any viewers, let alone ratings.

    You can never count on anything you want to watch to ever be on Ten, they don’t care whether the viewer knows that their show has been moved, or interrupted, or cancelled due to the golf or something like the other channels do. Ten sucks basically lol. That’s what happens when Australian’s stop owning the media in Australia, que the success of Channel 7.

  7. Ironically, I decided not to watch the show for fear Channel 10 would take it off air after a few weeks!!! Although I thought it’d go to digital. LMAO. I’m glad I didn’t bother, and downloading this is a little too much…

    Sigh of relief.

  8. I’m not in the demographic but I liked the show, like others have said the biggest problem with taking it off is the very demographic that watches it will fine other ways to get it and when it comes back in the summer it’s likely to rate even less.

  9. there seems to be alot of haters here. if you dont like a TV show, dont b*tch and moan about it, go and do something constructive instead of watching TV. it seems alot of you sit on your computer and criticise television networks when maybe the problem is that you rely way too much on TV for entertainment. there are heaps of social sporting teams you can join which play on weeknights for starters…

  10. It has good and bad episodes … that latest one was very good!
    Once again the idiot programmers have not given it a fair go … and they need to get more of the original cast back as guests … they have mentioned Dylan so it would be a big boost to get him to appear!

  11. Seeing this show prompted me to hire out the original series (I only started watching from Season 5 after it’s peak) my local video store had season 3 for rent and I’ve been having a grand old time watching it – quite the addictive soap but dated. Ten should get this and run it (or melrose place) in a late night slot.

    And sadly given their ratings they should hold off their entire schedule until summer – they are going woefully at the moment. It’s like they never had a plan beyond the first three months this year.

  12. ” As a fasttracked series, TEN had not been able to preview the drama before scheduling it -one of the downsides of fasttracking.”

    It doesn’t take an idiot to realize just what kind of a show it is. It’s exactly what I expected it to be. Most of the things 10 show are meant to be hip and cool so them picking up 90210 wasn’t a surprise in the least. They knew what they had on their hands.

  13. They should’ve waited until the lead character lost her virginity. That’s when the orginial 90210 got big ratings – when Brenda and Dylan slept with each other. And they needed more Steve Sanders type parties – my greatest wish was to be invited to a party like his.

  14. lol @ justin – give it a few weeks – im pretty sure we’re bound to see mean girls / about a boy pretty soon. My money says we’ll have mean girls inside 4-6 weeks 🙂

  15. OMGGG i cnt belive thiss i love that showwww!!
    i hate it wen they do this!
    i kno heaps of ppl who watch 90210 n they love itt..
    there r gonna be sum reli unhappy ppl if this show gets axedd!

  16. OK, I am not a teenage girl but I have to admit to being a fan. I grew up with the old series and as a father of young girls, I have found myself hooked on the new. For my daughters there are the young characters and a chance for us to talk as a family about the issues they face. For me, there are the older characters and the reminiscent fun of enjoying seeing them on tv again. Sure, the show lacks the wit or character depth of The OC, but it was never meant to be more than a soap opera. And when compared to the other soap on our televisions at night, it is far superior.
    To those who say the girls are too skinny and set a bad example, I say “Great”! Use this as an opportunity to connect with your own family. When was the last time you sat around the tv and actually TALKED about what was going on.
    90210 is not a cultural phenonenum. It’s a teen soap. To pull it from our televisions sends a signal that Channel 10 ( a station which has sold itself largely on its credentials in catering to a younger audience) has little real interest in developing its young viewers. Perhaps they have forgotten the age old rule of sales – “It is easier to maintain an existing customer than win a new one”

  17. I definitelly saw this one coming. I liked the show because it reminded me of The O.C. However, I don’t like the 8.30 time slot… i think its too early and they should move it to a 9.30pm time slot.

    Why can’t there be a law for networks (especially TEN) that once they decide to air a show… they must air the whole season!. This way they will be taking a risk at what they think will get them ratings and not just pull it off whenever they feel like it.

    This is the first drama show i have watched since The O.C and i was finally hooked… but then TEN decide to pull it off. Shame on you… Seriously!

  18. I never intended to watch this show, but it’s current situation is precisely why I don’t watch any new tv shows now. I’ve been burnt in the past by enjoying a brand new series only to have it cancelled in Australia while it still continues on just fine in America. I just wait until it come out on DVD now, although I quite understand why so many Australians download American tv shows. Not only do we usually have a longer wait, but we’re always left never knowing if/when the powers that be at the networks will allow us to watch an entire season.

  19. Time to increase my usage cap for my ISP (again). 90210 torrents here I come. I thought the whole point of this fasttracking was that we wouldn’t obtain the shows the other way (and for me, I’ll wait a week or so rather than download it).

    * sigh *

  20. I’m just glad Supernatural and Good News Week are returning to Mondays… Now if only they bought back the other part of GNW… which is GNW Nightlite…. hey maybe they could try putting that in the Friday nite timeslot… come on ten… give it a go!

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