
Kath and Kim online

Released officially by NBC on some platforms, but unofficially on torrents.

It’s been officially pre-released by NBC on iTunes and Yahoo ahead of its on air premiere on Thursday night in the US, but that hasn’t stopped it from hitting torrent sites.

The US version of Kath & Kim is now beginning to circulate the internet, defying copyright law and NBC’s domain.

Meanwhile another disappointing review this time from the Hollywood Reporter.

Hollywood Reporter: It lacks the charm of the original. Worse, the characters in the NBC show are so exaggerated that the whole thing feels like a skit. A long, long skit….. Kath is shallow and self-absorbed but, compared to Kim, she’s practically Mother Teresa……Shannon and Blair are fun to watch, at least for a little while. After that, Kim’s whining goes from amusing to annoying. By the second episode, about a third of which incongruously takes place in a gay bar, you’re forced to concede the two characters, as written, have a combined repertoire of a single note.

Seven airs the US version at 7pm Sunday night.

12 Responses

  1. It was BAD!
    The original Kath and Kim is so tightly scripted and EVERY word counts … this had tighly scripted bits and then bits that were typical loose American style stupidity that made the whole thing mediocre … only laughed once!
    It was also filmed in a way that detracted from the performances … and the “Kath” character was much weaker than ours, and Kim was a wishy-washy waste of space. Brett was cute! A real waste of time and money …

  2. Just watched it .. and I’m surprised it’s getting the bad reviews that have been referred to on this site.

    It isn’t K&K Australia, but I don’t think it’s supposed to be. I wouldn’t be surprised if this catches on in the US. Though Selma Blair needs to turn it down a little. She’s at a constant 11.

    The weak points, for me, are the two guys.

    I’m going to be really interested to see how this goes in the US. Of course, we all know that Sunday night here will be huge. Everyone is expecting a train wreck (as I was).

  3. You know, this actually isn’t terrible.

    I watched it, i wasn’t thinking or comparing to the aussie one, and yeah i enjoyed it. It wasn’t fantastic or anything, but it did make me laugh and over all i enjoyed it and will keep watching.

  4. I don’t understand why it needs an American adaptation. The Australian is by far better and even the U.S. critics say that this new one lacks the charm and humour of our one. I guess NBC just doesn’t like taking too many risks. Shame really.

  5. i hope the show finds it’s feet, if not, draws millions of curious viewers into the original series. The office did it, why couldn’t kath and kim? why write it off so quickly? When will they do a remake of Newlyweds??????

  6. At the end of the day, the show is made for americans, not australians. If they like it and it succeeds there, then that is how its success should be judged, not how it rates here and what people here think of it. We’ll see in the next few weeks how that plays out.

  7. I downloaded the first episode from the US Itunes a few days ago and it was terrible. Barely funny with a bad, overacted performance from Selma Blair. I can’t see NBC airing 13 episodes. But then again Two And A Half Men has been on for years so who knows….

  8. is it really on torrent sites or are you just making that up. We use torrent sites at school cause the teacher finds it easier to package things, no sign of kath and kim anywhere.

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